16 thoughts on “ENOUGH ALREADY!

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    George and Big Orange at work!

    No, seriously, glad that you don’t have eight feet of snow in North Tonawanda. I agree, this is ridiculous already.

  2. Jerry House

    George, I am thinking of you from beautiful SNOWLESS Southern Maryland. (He said, gloatingly.)

    You and Big Orange have your work cut out for you. Take care.

    1. george Post author

      Prashant, when the snow gets that high–seven feet–snowplows can’t handle it. High-loader tractors have to lift the snow onto dump trucks. For people to clear their driveways and sidewalks, they first have to shovel the snow down to about 24 inches so the snow blowers can work. As you might suspect, we’ve had 14 deaths so far due mostly to heart attacks. Shoveling snow is physically taxing work.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, we’re fine. North Tonawanda only got 2 inches of snow, not 80 inches like Hamburg and Lancaster–towns south of Buffalo are paralyzed.


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