I read the ACE Books of Robert E. Howard’s Almuric back in the Sixties. I’ve had the Planet Stories edition with Joe R. Lansdale’s enthusiastic Introduction for a few years so it seemed time to reread this “restored” edition. Like Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Mars novels and Otis Adelbert Kline’s and Michael Moorcock’s imitations, Robert E. Howard sends his hero, Esau Cairn, to a savage planet. Esau Cairn will remind you of Conan. There’s plenty of action as Cairn takes on an entire evil empire. Fans of Burroughs, Kline, and Moorcock will find much to enjoy in Almuric.

10 thoughts on “FORGOTTEN BOOKS #152: ALMURIC By Robert E. Howard

  1. Drongo

    Had not thought about in ages. Pity it left us.

    I’ve got the Berkley and the two Ace editions, but the Planet Stories one has the best-looking cover. Had no idea there were cuts. How’s the Lansdale intro? Does he mention the Kline rumor?

    1. george Post author

      Yes, Drongo, Lansdale mentions that Otis Adelbert Kline, Howard’s agent, may have finished ALMURIC. I prefer the restored Planet Stories edition.

  2. James Reasoner

    Some of my Howardian friends believe that Otto Binder (who worked for Kline at the time) finished ALMURIC. I haven’t read the book since high school. I should pick up the Planet Stories edition.

  3. Drongo

    Beyond their content, the art design of these Planet Stories editions have an appealingly colorful, old-school charm to them. Grouping mine together on the bookshelf, admiring them as they stand next to each other, gives me a certain aesthetic pleasure.

  4. Richard R.

    I never got around to reading this one, and didn’t even buy the Planet Stories edition. I agree with Drongo, my PS editions lined up together on the shelf looked great, until I moved them into alpha order by author… You’re reading some great stuff lately, George.


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