FRIDAY’S FORGOTTEN BOOKS #822: Persuader By Lee Child

I was late to discover the Jack Reacher novels by Lee Child. When Tom Cruise brought out Jack Reacher in 2012–based on Child’s 2005 novel One Shot–I read the novel before I saw the movie and was immediately hooked. Jack Reacher is a wandering adventurer with a military past. He’s 6’5″ and 250 pounds of muscle. Cruise took a lot of criticism for “pretending” to have the stature of Reacher.

Usually I read a series in chronological order, but with the Jack Reacher series I skipped around. I found a Jack Reacher novel was perfect for trips: reading in the Airport, reading on the plane. So I saved the Reacher books for travel. On my latest trip to New York City for Thanksgiving, I decided to read Persuader (2003), the seventh Reacher novel. AMAZON Prime Video will be releasing Reacher, Season Three in 2025 which is based on Persuader.

As usual, Reacher finds himself involved in a twisted plot where a figure from his military past looms large in criminal activities in New England. Reacher manages to insert himself into the crime ring by “rescuing” the leader’s son during an attempted kidnaping at the boy’s college.

Persuader shifts from Past to Present as the backstory of Reacher’s current quest is revealed. If you’re looking for a page-turner with compelling action and thrills, pick up a copy of Persuader. I can’t wait to see the AMAZON Prime Video version of the fight between Reacher and a 400 lb. giant! Are you a Jack Reacher fan? GRADE: B+

11 thoughts on “FRIDAY’S FORGOTTEN BOOKS #822: Persuader By Lee Child

  1. Fred Blosser

    I’ve never felt the urge to pick up any of Child’s books. Don’t know why. Same with John Sandford, another ubiquitous thriller writer. I do follow Ace Atkins, Ken Bruen, Michael Connelly, and Robert Crais among the current generation of thriller/PI/hardboiled writers.

    1. george Post author

      Fred, I suspect you would enjoy a Jack Reacher novel…and want to read more! The first Jack Reacher, KILLING FLOOR, would be a good place to start.

  2. Jerry+House

    I’ve read and enjoyed all the Reacher books, which I view as mere wish fulfillment hero fantasies Not a fan of the Tom Cruise movies, but I enjoy the Alan Ritchson television series. I found is amusing that Lee Child had a cameo role in the first Tom Cruise movie as a police desk sergeant; Child was filmed sitting behind a desk so as to not tower over the rather miniscule Cruise.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, Lee Child has a writing style that works perfectly for me when I’m in an Airport or on a plane. I have a few more Reacher novels stashed away for future trips.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    Yes, I’m a fan, having read them all from KILLING FLOOR to the last one Lee Child wrote before turning it over to his (ahem) less talented brother. Some were better than others, or at least more to my taste, and I did generally like the ones that brought in Reacher’s past, his military service, his family, etc. You’re right, they are perfect travel reading. Jackie only read one so far, though she always says she is going to read more of them, but she loves the Alan Ritchson series.

  4. Kent Morgan

    I’ve read a couple and have two or three more in a never-to-be-read stack. As for John Sandford, I’ve read all the Lucas Davenport and Virgil Flowers books, which are much better than the Childs. Recently been catching up on the Roy Grace series by Peter James. I too like to read a series in order, but it doesn’t bother me with this series. Have you watched the Grace TV series? Winter has finally hit here in Manitoba, but with much less snow than in your region.

    1. george Post author

      Kent, we had a burst of snow this week. Some areas of Western NY got five feet of snow. Of course, the ski resorts love it! I’ve snowblowed three times so far. But the temps are going into the 40s next week and all of this snow will melt fast!

  5. Cap'n Bob

    I read one, hated it, and swore to never read another! The movies with The Smirking Dwarf cemented my resolve to not have anything to do with Reacher again! I almost feel bad having had a couple of drinks on his dime when, at two different Bouchercons, he picked up the tab for everyone! I heard one tab came to $30,000!


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