30 thoughts on “HAPPY 43rd ANNIVERSARY TO US!

      1. Todd Mason

        Well, lucking out has no class distinction! (Much as I’d much rather see you two up there than a reminder of That Movie). Further congratulations!

  1. Jerry House

    Congrats to a cute couple on their anniversary! May you have many more.

    (I never realized that you looked like Richard Gere 43 years ago, George.)

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, yes, 43 years ago Diane had a resemblance to Julia Roberts and I looked like Richard Gere. Now we just look like Diane and George!

    1. george Post author

      Beth, thanks for the kind words. When Diane and I first dated, I looked at Diane’s album collection…and it was a mirror image of mine! That was the moment I thought that dating Diane might lead to Something Big! Plus, Diane loves to read. I’m amazed at how many of our friends rarely read a book.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, so far Patrick and Katie’s flights are ON TIME. I’m more worried about whether a healthy pilot and flight crew will show up tomorrow morning.

  2. Byron

    Congratulations to both of you. I have the greatest respect for couples who can make a marriage last, these days more than ever. Having been around the marriage block once already and the relationship block far more times than I care to admit, I’ve come to realize how crucial it is to pick someone with similar attitudes, values and interests but perhaps more than anything, someone who is simply fun to be with year after year. Happy anniversary.

    1. george Post author

      Byron, you focused on the key ingredients to a long-lasting and happy marriage: like interests, loyalty, and sense of fun. Diane is also one of the hardest working people I know.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, usually our Anniversary is snowy and icy. Not this year! Not a speck of snow, temps in the 40s, and green grass all around. Very weird weather!

  3. wolf

    Congratulations to thewonderful happy couple!
    You won’t find many couples who made it happily through so many years.
    I’ve also found that a similar taste in music and books is an important component for a long term relationship.
    And now I have a bad joke from a long term friend of mine.
    When someone says:
    I’ve been together with my partner for xx years he asks:
    And how many more years do you have to stay with her/him?

    1. george Post author

      Wolf, thanks for the joke! Similar tastes in music and books and movies/TV helps bonding a couple together. And a couple of really nice kids!

    1. george Post author

      Tracy, congratulations in advance on your 42nd anniversary! Yes, it is hard to believe all those years haves sped by so fast! Not everyone is as lucky as we are!

  4. Angela

    Happy anniversary! I saw that Scott Cupp (not sure if you know him?) is having his 42nd anniversary today. You have a year on him!

  5. Cap'n Bob Napier

    And they said it wouldn’t last! Happy 43rd, you crazy kids! (Jeff already used my line but what the heck!)


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