28 thoughts on “HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!

    1. george Post author

      Michael, our portion of Gilead featured fireworks exploding for hours last night. More tonight, I suppose. I don’t know why people who are economically stressed, on the brink of a Recession, and dealing with near $5 a gallon gas would waste their money on fireworks. But, around here they do.

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    No, not a very happy one this year at all. In the past we’ve gone to see fireworks – in Ohio with Ellen Nehr and her family, in California with my parents, even once to the big Macy’s fireworks show on the East River after seeing a baseball game. But not this year. No celebrating here, as this country has nothing to brag about.

    American exceptionalism? Yes, but too often it is exceptionalism in a really bad, really negative way. Thinga are looking bleak.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, the prospects for the Republicans winning the House and the Senate in the Mid-term Election look good. You know what that means…

  2. Deb

    When one party has successfully gamed the system, there’s not much to celebrate—especially if you’re not a member of said party.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, I’m sure you’re serving a feast today! We’re having some friends over and they’re bringing a bunch of submarine sandwiches. Diane has a green salad and a fruit salad planned. Katie and Patrick baked a peach pie and cookies for dessert. My sister brought over a chocolate cake so we have that, too.

      1. Jeff Meyerson

        We almost went with a non-traditional Chinese food takeout meal, but instead ended up with a cross between Thanksgiving and July 4th – a roasted turkey breast with roast potatoes and cranberry sauce, plus watermelon and strawberry shortcake for dessert.

    2. Todd Mason

      Or even if you are, or have been a Republican…

      As my paleocon friend noted recently:
      “It’s really hard to be a Republican these days. The real GOP, as far as I know, seems to consist of only five national figures and two Massachusetts personages – Cheney, Kinzinger, Romney, Collins, and Murkowski, with locals Charlie Baker and Karyn Polito. On the sidelines, there are John Kasich, Evan Mullins, and David French. The rest of the GOP seems to be either nuts or cowards.”

      1. george Post author

        Todd, the Republicans made a Faustian bargain back in the 1980s with the Religious Right. That changed the GOP and attracted more and more aberrant voters.

  3. wolf

    Wish you all a happy holiday!
    Re fireworks:
    We had a similar situation on New Year’s Eve in Hungary – many rocket batteries (each costing at least 100$) were sent off. In a country where many people make less than 300$ a month that’s crazy …
    A bit OT (may have written about this before):
    16 years ago at the end of June I had just returned from Hungary to Germany and went to my favourite bar – to sit outside alone though the weather was wonderful. Then I realized that all my friends were inside watching a soccer game of the World Championship. I knew this would continue for the next weeks so I left and walked by my favourite last minute travel agency which I had used before to get cheap flights to the USA.
    And they had an offer for an apartment in Ft Myers Beach, not far from the beach so I couldn’t resist. Had a wonderful time here, visiting Sanibel Island, St Pete etc …
    And on July 4th I went to the Pier and watched the fireworks – fond memories!
    At least one positive thing in my GAFIA time after I had lost my first wife to cancer and before I found my new partner in Hungary.

    1. george Post author

      Wolf, I feel sorry for the dogs who howl unceasingly during these fireworks displays. It has to be torture for them.

  4. Jeff Meyerson

    I thought just for fun I’d pull out my old Week at a Glance books and see what we’ve done on July 4th past. Feel free to skip it if not interested.

    1976 The Bicentennial was a big deal here. We went to Operation Sail and the fireworks at night. It was a Sunday.
    1980 Went out for Chinese food, then to see COAL MINER’S DAUGHTER
    1983 Dave Righetti pitched a no-hitter against the Red Sox! No television so I listened to the game on the radio
    1984 went to see a matinee of SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE. Dinner with the in-laws
    1986 so-called “Liberty Weekend” celebrations. Went to the Harbor Festival with Jackie’s sisters.
    1987 flew to Cleveland to visit friends Ellen & Al Nehr (in Shake Heights), who took us to their local fireworks, which was small and fun.
    1988 went to the Festival on Water Street in lower Manhattan, then the fireworks at Fort Hamilton near us.
    1989 went to England early that year. To Edinburgh on July 4. Dinner at our favorite, Henderson’s Salad Table. In later years, went to England after summer school ended in early August, but at this time we usually went in July.
    1993 we visited my parents in California. July 4 (Sunday) went into San Francisco and visited my sister, who was a “member” of Glide Church’s choir. My parents had a barbecue, and in an “is this happening or is it the hash?” moment, my father made all assembled read the Declaration of Independence” aloud.
    1998 saw the Yankees beat Baltimore 4-3, then to dinner at Virgil’s BBQ on 44th Street.
    1999 Yankees lost to Baltimore. Dinner at Virgil’s, followed by fireworks It was hot (96 degrees).
    2004 lunch at Virgil’s, then a matinee of HAIRSPRAY on Broadway.
    2005 visit from friends from Dave Barry’s blog. Yankees 13, Baltimore 8. Dinner at Virgil’s. Fireworks on the East River.
    2006 Saw SUPERMAN RETURNS in IMax.
    2007 A matinee of GREY GARDENS on Broadway. DInner at Virgil’s.
    2009 Yankees 6, Toronto 5 in 12 innings. (The next year it was 7-6 over Toronto in 10 innings.)
    2015 Matinee of SIGNIFICANT OTHER on Broadway.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, you and Jackie sure get around! I couldn’t tell you what we were doing for the 4th last year. I do remember taking Patrick and Katie and Diane to see INDEPENDENCE DAY in 1996…on Independence Day!!!

      1. Jeff Meyerson

        In the old days, yes, we traveled a lot. Now that we’re old and since the pandemic, I prefer to stay home as much as possible. We’re driving to Connectucit for a few days with my cousins on Wednesday, but then we’ll be home for the foreseeable future.

      2. george Post author

        Jeff, I’m with you. I’d rather stay home. Diane is more adventurous. But Diane can go out with her Book Club friends and her sister so I can opt out of some outings.

      3. george Post author

        Todd, the audience we saw INDEPENDENCE DAY with in 1996 clapped and cheered throughout the movie. Plenty of audience participation 25 years ago!

      4. Todd Mason

        Even as a busy and rather charming man, he has reached a Certain Age, and roles that don’t have a nostalgic relevance are probably beginning to thin.

      5. george Post author

        Todd, no doubt you’re right about the thinning of roles. But, since a large chunk of the U.S. population are older, watching older actors matches their viewing interests.

  5. Fred Blosser

    Not much independence anymore and even less to come in a country run by corrupt, old, and/or deranged white men who systematically strip freedom away from women, minorities, and the working class. You’d hope that the outrage over the Roe v Wade ruling will drive angry people to the polls in November, like that’s gonna happen. In TX, despite widespread drought and a local (but voluntary) ban on fireworks in Austin, people will exert their god-given right tonight to set fires with bottle rockets and cherry bombs.


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