25 thoughts on “HAPPY LABOR DAY!

    1. Wolf Böhrendt

      Bob, that’s the point!

      Just as we in Europe have May first as “The Day of Labour” where everybody goes out to get drunk or whatever …

      Hope everybody enjoys this day, whatever you’re doing!
      For us pensioners every day is Sunday, my wife often says – especially since her in Hungary stores are usually open on Sundays we often forget which day of the week it actually is …

      1. maggie mason

        W after my dad retired he had business cards printed up retired no days off, no holidays, etc.

        I usually know what day of the week it is, but not always the date .

        I’ll be getting my house in order and packing for bouchercon all week.

    1. Wolf Böhrendt

      Dan, what has that poor animal done that you hate it so much?

      Our dog (like many others) is really afraid of firecrackers – that’s why we spend Xmas in Germany but before new year’s Eve go to our house in Hungary – Hungarians don’t have that much money to spend on fireworks which are a big thing in Germany for the New Year, as they seem to be in the USA for other holidays …

      1. maggie mason

        W the pounds/shelters in the US get inundated with dogs after the 4th of july and new years eve.

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    Despite all predictions, Hermine is well offshore and yesterday was an absolutely gorgeous day. It is cloudy today and supposed to be windy, but so far no rain in sight.

    Wolf, I agree with you. We often have a hard time keeping track of what day it is, because every day is a weekend for us. The only thing we have to remember is when it is Monday, because a few of our favorite restaurants are closed on Mondays.

    School is starting back up here this week, and we are supposed to return to the 90 degree range by then. But we’re retired, so who cares?

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, we’re going back to the 90 degree temps this week, too. I’m considering it “training weather” for New Orleans and BOUCHERCON!

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, I just completed most of my computer work so in a little while I’ll be able to enjoy LABOR DAY by reading a book. Hope you’re having a relaxing LABOR DAY, too!

  2. Deb

    School has been back for four weeks here now…so this three-day weekend is a pleasant break in routine. All three of our girls are home and we’re expecting the twins’ boyfriends over later today. Right now, my husband is smoking ribs (beef and pork) and a pork butt (for pulled pork) in the Big Green Egg. Later, he’ll be grilling chicken wings, fish, and artichokes. All I have to do is show up–yum!

    1. george Post author

      Deb, you picked a winner when you married your husband! We’re doing the traditional hamburgers and hot dogs. Plenty of potato and pasta salads. Dessert includes Texas Sheet Cake, Mandarin Orange Pie, and Lemon Squares!

  3. R. Robinson

    Happy Labor Day back at’cha, George. Let’s all take a moment today to give our appreciation to those who work so hard to provide the goods and services that make our lives good.

    Weather here today is sunny with some clouds, high 60s. Just fine. Showers tomorrow. I’ll be finishing up the Penny novel in a couple of hours, then starting on one by Charles Todd. We have zero plans for Labor Day eats, Barbara will be away at her quilt group all day, and I’ll be in the garden or reading, so I may try to talk her into pizza. Assuming Papa Murphy’s is open. It’s a take-and-bake place we like. We’d prefer to be going to Deb’s for that yummy stuff, but I forgot to buy the plane tickets and she forgot to send the invite, so that’s a non-starter.

    Enjoy your day everyone!

  4. Cap'n Bob

    I like Papa Murphy’s, too, even though some of the toppings give me heartburn!

    Dang, the name and e-mail fields are blank again!

  5. maggie mason

    George for the last couple of times I’ve posted twice in a day, the first one did fine but the second post the fields were blank


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