25 thoughts on “HAPPY NEW YEAR 2022!

  1. Jerry House

    I resolve to have 15-minute resolutions. If I can’t achieve my goal within 15 minutes, fuggedabowtit. This will eliminate any sense of guilt I otherwise might have had.

    Not a resolution, but a basic fact of life: I’ll continue to read and enjoy your blog through 2022, George.

    Although 2022 will be a Betty White-less year, I’m cautiously optimistic.

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, I like your approach to resolutions. I’ll be working on losing weight (the Battle of the Bulge continues) and gaining Enlightenment.

  2. Deb

    Happy New Year everyone!

    In terms of reading resolutions, I got a new Kindle for Christmas and I’m going to try to wade through my backlog of unread/unfinished e-books and make a book-by-book decision to either read or delete. While I almost always finish books I paid full-price for (you can take the girl away from the land of her thrifty Scots ancestors but you can’t take the thrifty Scots ancestors out of the girl), I have a ton of books I either got as freebie downloads or as 99-cent sales in the Kindle Store that have languished unread on my various e-readers for years. This time next year, we’ll see how well I did.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, congratulations on that new Kindle. Patrick travels with his Paperwhite Kindle and loves it. Like you, I have way too many ebooks–over 300–that I need to read…or weed out. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    300? Piker! I have 631 “unread” books listed on my Kindle, but believe me, it is WAY more than that. You see, I have complete collections of Henry James, Wilkie Collins, Anthony Trollope, Charles Dickens, etc. plus a couple of groups of 100 Books You Must Read Before You Die, plus…who knows how many that is.

    But the worst is, now that I’ve started borrowing ebooks from the library, it just seems to grow and grow and grow. And those have to be read first as you only get three weeks and can’t renew them. I am only taking THREE BOOKS to Florida (collections of short stories); everything else is on the Kindle.

    My resolution? Make no resolutions! I do want to walk more, and Florida should give us a good start on that.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, you’ve got me beat by a mile on ebooks! My Public Library offers ebooks, too, but I haven’t taken that step yet. My other resolution for 2022 is to NOT get Covid-19. We have a couple of friends who tested positive last week. Not good!

  4. Michael Padgett

    I made a resolution to stop smoking in 1988 and, to my complete astonishment, I did it. Other than that I’ve never taken New Years Resolutions seriously and don’t even bother with them any more. Happy New Year to all!

    1. george Post author

      Michael, congratulations on following through with your 1988 resolution to stop smoking. Sadly, a number of friends, despite resolutions and nicotine patches, could not quit smoking. Then, Bad Things happened to them.

    2. Jeff Meyerson

      Michael congratulations! That was a big one. When we were dating, Jackie worked for a public health doctor. She brought home a book about emphysema and COPD and showed it to my father with the hope it would get him to stop smoking, and it worked. He stopped virtually overnight, and he lived another 45 years.

  5. Byron

    Love the graphic, George. I’m afraid I’ve always thought of New Years as another Hallmark holiday and have usually been too preoccupied with a movie or book at the time and forgotten all about it until the morning after. That said, Happy New Year to all.
    I myself am still celebrating Christmas, having started observing the “Twelve Days of” several years ago as a means of taking all the stress out of the holiday (most of it generated by other people in my life who over fixated on the one day).
    I suspect there will be fewer resolutions this year. The people who are not taking the pandemic seriously seem too hell-bent on overindulging themselves to consider any notion of self-improvement while the rest of us being cautious likely feel the need for a little self-indulgence to get through the coming year.
    If you have any favorite New Years themed movies, George, please recommend them. I humbly recommend Billy Wilder’s “The Apartment.” Be safe and best wishes.

    1. george Post author

      Byron, you have exquisite taste in choosing THE APARTMENT. Billy Wilder is underrated. My recommendation would be HOPSCOTCH with Glenda Jackson and Walter Matthau.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, I’m with you on moving more. I just rode our stationary bike. We’re supposed to get hit with 3-4 inches of snow tonight. When the Bills play tomorrow, the windchill temperature will be 15 degrees.

    2. wolf

      My brother in law went on an interval fasting diet and lost 16 kilos, went from 115 to less than 100, almost 35 pounds in less than a year! His doc had told him if he went on like he used to he was in great danger …
      After the doc gave him one of those heart monitoring bracelets he had realized that the doc was right, blood pressure and heart frequency jumping up and down.
      My resolution is to withstand the danger that my wife’s fantastic cooking poses:
      Don’t eat too much!
      I’ll try to get from 95 kg to less than 90 kg.

  6. Cap'n Bob Napier

    My resolution is the same as last year’s, and the two years before that! Finish incomplete models! I did one last year, with about 20 to go!

    But the fact is, I think New Years is the most useless holiday extant! It’s just an excuse for drunkenness and upsetting my dog with fireworks (which are illegal)!

    Last year sucked for many reasons, so I hope we’ll be better off in 2022! I’m not counting on it, though!

    1. george Post author

      Bob, things are starting off rocky here. Covid-19 cases are way up. Three people got shot dead in Buffalo today. And snow is about arrive tonight.

    2. wolf

      I’m happy in a way that the fireworks are done with …
      Our poor cat was so afraid, now he’s his old self again watching my wife and me taking down the curtains to wash them.
      After a long period of temperatures around freezing we now have sunshine for a few days and more than 19 degrees (50 Fahrenheit) – really good to go outside too!

  7. Todd Mason

    Well, small favors. Omicron is less deadly (so far). The clownish GOP might even scare the Dems into actual useful action (not likely, but possible).

    I shall resole to be asleep before 2am regularly.

  8. Angela

    I resolve to do more reading, writing, blogging, organizing Dad’s books, etc. But, all good intentions … I usually blame my inability to do these things on my day job, but it is most likely due to laziness and poor planning on my part. Oh, and getting rid of my much-criticized habit of adding a double space after a period. LOL. Wishing you great things in 2022!

    1. george Post author

      Angela, I have a resolution similar to yours with organizing and weeding my book collection. I’m also negotiating with SUNY at Buffalo to donate my 3000 music CDs when I’m gone. Diane, Patrick, and Katie have ZERO interest in my CD collection so I’m trying to find it a Good Home. I know you’re not lazy and I know you’re not a poor planner. It’s just that Life intervenes and disrupts our Best Intentions to get things done. Happy New Year to you and Tom!


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