Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) gestures as the key speaker at the annual Reagan Republican Dinner in Des Moines, Iowa, Friday, October 25, 2013. (David Peterson/MCT via Getty Images)

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton ajusts headphones at Echo Moskvy radio station Wednesday morning, Oct. 14, 2009. Clinton is wrapping up a five-day tour of Europe on Wednesday with a series of informal meetings in Moscow and the Russian republic of Tatarstan aimed at helping redefine U.S.-Russian relations. (AP Photo/ Alexander Zemlianichenko)

Thanks a lot, George. I may never sleep again.
Dan, the situation is grim. Especially with the nomination of a Supreme Court Justice (or two) hanging in the balance.
I’m feeling the Bern!!!
Maggie, my students love Bernie and his “Free College” promise.
Some of these pictures (or all of them?) feel like straight out of SNL – which btw was one of my favourite shows when MTV Europe used to replay them in the 80s …
Ah, the Blues Brothers and the Coneheads look more normal than some of these …
And to think that one of them gets to be POTUS – the most powerful person (on paper) in the world?
Somehow this reminds me of Nero, Napoleon,the Chinese emperors or the crazy emperors in Europe before WW1 – they were all related (one big family) but in the end they started this devastating war – and also destroyed their Empires!
Wolf, you can see why America is in decline. Our political system gridlocked so nothing gets done to address major problems. SNL provides insightful commentary on our sad political situation.
I got a joke in the mail recently with a picture of dennis the menace the caption was something like what does he look like now, all grown up, and the next picture was of trump
Maggie, a lot of people would consider Trump a menace if he became President.
Enjoy the day, George.
We’ve had some good presidents, some bad presidents, and some lackluster presidents in the past. but our country has always muddled through. When I look at the current clown car of Republican candidates, I truly wonder if we will be able to muddle through one of them becoming president.
I feel the same way. I thought Nixon was bad (and he was), but since then the Republican Party has gone so haywire it is scary to think that any of them really believe the sh!t they are spewing day after day. Not Trump, of course, because clearly he doesn’t believe anything and just says whatever pops into that little head of his, or whatever he thinks (correctly, so far) his supporters want to hear. Is this anyway to govern a country? Clearly not. And now the morons want to wait well over a year for a new Supreme Court Justice because…well, why? They hate Obama and will do anything to stop his nefarious plan of…fulfilling his Constitutional obligations? Clearly, no one in the clown car has thought this out. If it continues to go the way it is and they nominate Trump or Cruz and drive the bus over the cliff, they will not only lose the White House but the Senate, to the extent where Hillary (if it is she) can appoint Lawrence Tribe should she so choose. The most moderate choice you might get is the one you make a deal with Obama for next month. And I love the idea that since Scalia was a Conservative icon, it would “change things” if Obama names someone on the Left, as if that hasn’t happened repeatedly in our history.
The President makes appointments, the Senate has to “advise and consent” to them.
Jeff, the Republicans will block anything Obama tries to do in the waning months. In the words of Bill Crider, “We’re doomed!”
Being an old sexist, I liked it better when the holidays were marked with cheesecake pictures.
Bill, there’s more cheesecake in the months ahead.
I. Can’t. Even.
Every time I think the unhinged element on the right can’t yank the door any further off the hinges, they prove me wrong. This morning I awoke to a new “conspiracy”: Obama had Scalia assassinated so he can “stack” the Supreme Court with liberal/socialists who will take our guns and make us all get gay married and have a conveyor belt running through on-demand abortion clinics.
It reminds me of a bumper sticker my husband’s uncle displayed during Dubya’s term: “I never thought I’d miss Richard Nixon.”
But here we are…
Deb, a favorite story Bill and some others have heard: when we were in college, Jackie got a summer job working for the Head of Public Health at Cornell Medical Center. His secretary hated Nixon so much that her husband had to go through the NY Times every day and cut out any article that mentioned him.
This was tricky (so to speak) as Nixon was President at the time.
Deb, conspiracy theories abound. After all, Obama is a Muslim and can’t be trusted. And Ted Cruz says he’ll block any Obama nominee for the Supreme Court. What a mess!
George, OMG!
I always thought he was a Communist – at least that’s what I read on those “tin hat sites”.
There’s a study being worked on in Europe on conspiracy theories (I call them constipation theories) where our University of Tübingen participates – already waiting for the results.
Wolf, conspiracy theorists work overtime over here. Right now, because Supreme Court Justice Scalia died without an autopsy, the crazies are claiming Scala met with Foul Play. The guy was 79 with heart problems!
I think what disturbs me the most right now is the state of hatred that seems to exist between the Sanders and Clinton supporters. Lighten up, people! The difference between the two candidates isn’t worth increasing, by even 1%, the risk that one of those GOP clowns might become our president.
Michael, you’re right. Bernie and Hillary supporters need to remember who their Real Adversaries are.
Eight years ago I had hopes that Hillary wold become POTUS with Obama as Vice president later following her as POTUS – but I wasn’t disappointed by the actual outcome, I’ve written about this before.
Is there any chance/hope that Hillary and Bernie might cooperate – say him as president and Hillary as “second person” which would mean that if anything happened to him or he stepped down, she would follow?
Or do “we” (not only the USA but the whole world …) have to get used to the idea that maybe/hopefully one of the not so extremist reps will win the election?
Wolf, Hillary looked strong in 2008 but Obama closed the deal. This time around, Hillary is struggling again.
Our paper had something interesting about Scalia His appointment was confirmed by 100%. No one voted against him. Did no one read Bushwacked??? Or look at him closely????
I am also feeling the Bern! I have always voted for third party candidates for president (I have a bit of a crush on Ralph Nader), but I am ready to vote on the democratic party line if Bernie gets the nomination. One of my friends (and former co-worker) from ECC is actually the lead organizer of Buffalo for Bernie.
Lauren, you may get to vote for a Third Party guy named Michael Bloomberg. If he decides to run, he might get my vote!
Rick, sometimes that’s they way I feel, too!
I like Bernie, too! I don’t like any of the Republican candidates, but I’d take ANYBODY over Hitlery!!!
Bob I hope you seriously wouldn’t vote republican rather than clinton.
Last Week Tonight started last night, and Oliver touched on the supreme court issue. It seems the rep’s are calling on an unofficial rule (strom thurmond) that said if a sitting president has 6 months or less to go, he shouldn’t choose a new SC Justice. Mitch McConnell is voicing this, and forgot that when the Dem’s tried it earlier he said it was ridiculous. I guess he’s too stupid to have his staff research his statements that have been widely broadcast
Let’s face it–Obama could cure cancer, bring everlasting peace to this Mid-East, and find a way to reverse global warming and the GOP/right-wing/evangelical echo-chamber in the country will still find a way to p*ss on him. It’s really appalling that because of Obama-derangement syndrome (which you’ll never convince me isn’t motivated by racism pure and simple) we can’t celebrate any of the achievements of the past eight years. Those cretins at Fox should be ashamed–but when has shame ever been a real possibility for people of that ilk?
/I knew I couldn’t go the entire day without getting on the soapbox!
Deb, the Republicans are playing a risky game if they plan to block any Obama candidate this year. What if Hillary wins? What if the Democrats win the Senate? The Republicans might want to get at “moderate” Supreme Court Justice now rather than an ultra-liberal one later.
Maggie, I would vote for Chthulu over Clinton! When I say ANYBODY, I mean it!
Bob, CHTHULU FOR PRESIDENT has a certain ring to it!
I’ve seen bumper stickers that say VOTE FOR CHUTHULU. WHY SETTLE FOR A LESSER EVIL?
Bob, I’ll have track one of those bumper stickers down! Perfect for this Election Season!
I’m not really a Lovecraft-Fan, but shouldn’t it be:
Though my spell checker also puts that wriggly line there, hmmm …
Wolf, Cthulhu is the preferred spelling but I’m seen all sorts of variations.
Oops! I misspelled it! It should be Cthulhu! Good catch, Wolf!
Found a bad joke today:
PS and OT:
The grammar/spelling is wrong – should be “you’re” …
Wolf, very funny!