HARDWARE By Chris Foss

Back in the 1970s, I discovered some fabulous SF artwork on some British editions. They were later termed “industrial” covers. Massive starships, giant alien structures, and weird (but colorful) futuristic craft. Very cool. Later, I learned the artist was Chris Foss and I looked for his work in Canada where I could find plenty of British paperbacks. Now, a new coffee table book of the best of Chris Foss artwork has just been published. Hardware is a terrific collection of Chris Foss’s best SF covers. If you like this style of artwork, you’ll be delighted by this eye-popping collection.

8 thoughts on “HARDWARE By Chris Foss

    1. george Post author

      HARDWARE is supposed to be the “definitive” collection of Chris Foss’s paperback cover artwork, Scott. I love it! And I’m surprised at how prolific Foss was in the 1970s and 1980s.

    1. george Post author

      Chris Foss created a whole new style of SF paperback artwork, Todd. Yes, it is “animal-cracker” and industrial, but at the time (1970s-1980s) it was powerful.

  1. Richard R.

    Been away, I’m just catching up – I have a collection of Foss’ work, but not this one. I find I look at these kinds of book once, and then rarely after that. Should take them out more often.

    1. george Post author

      Usually I’m in a mood to look at an art book, Rick. It strikes about once a month. I own a few dozen art books, mostly SF and Fantasy art.

  2. Todd Mason

    Oh, I was paying close attention in the ’70s and ’80s, George, never fear. And, of course, I refer to his zoomorphism by my comment rather than calling his work “cookie-cutter” (though some of his critics did lean that way).

    1. george Post author

      Chris Foss did plenty of corporate artwork, too, Todd. That might be one reason why some critics were hostile to him and his “industrial” style artwork .


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