HESPIRA By Matthew Hughes

There aren’t too many books that will cause me to drop everything and read them, but Matthew Hughes’ Hespira is one of them. Matthew Hughes is the writer who writes Jack Vance pastiches. If you love Jack Vance’s work as much as I do, Matthew Hughes’ books will delight you with their Vancean wit and cleverness. Hespira features Henghis Hapthorn (patterned on Vance’s puzzle solver, Magnus Ridolph) Old Earth’s foremost discriminator (private detective). Hapthorn helps a woman whose memories have been stolen from her. The search takes them off-planet and into a cunning conspiracy. I’ve enjoyed the two previous Henghis Hapthorn novels, Majestrum and The Spiral Labyrinth. Don’t miss this wonderful books! GRADE: A

8 thoughts on “HESPIRA By Matthew Hughes

  1. Scott Cupp

    I talked with Hughes at a World Fantasy once where we discussed the Henghis books as a combination of Vance, Cordwainer Smith and PG Wodehouse. And they are truly that, Got my copy the other day and will start it soon.

    1. george Post author

      You’re right about Matthew Hughes bringing more than Jack Vance to the table in the Henghis Hapthorn stories, Scott. There’s the wit of Wodehouse and the other-worldly future of Cordwainer Smith with some Jungian aspects thrown into the mix.

  2. Patti Abbott

    You are amazingly open to most things, as I think I’ve mentioned before. I saw the Drivein show last night (Phil had taped it) and I have to say those pizzas look unique.

  3. Richard Robinson

    I’ve seen this, but wasn’t sure what it was, other than possibly fantasy-SF. You speak of Jack Vance so often, and use such terms as “Vancean” and refer to “Jack Vance pastiches” but I’m never sure what you really mean. Sure, I’ve read some Vance, The Dragon Masters probably being my favorite, but it’s been a while and I don’t remember that much of a specific, recognizable style to his work.

    Perhaps you could explain. Now if you said the style was like Heinlein, or Niven, or Tolkein, I would know what you meant by that, but with Vance, nothing comes to mind.

    I have TALES OF DYING EARTH here, which I received in October, but haven’t opened it yet, as other books are ahead of it in line, so to speak.

    Are the earlier volumes you mention available in paperback?

    1. george Post author

      Night Shade Books is publishing Matthew Hughes’ recent works, Rick. I envy you reading TALES OF THE DYING EARTH for the first time. When I refer to “Vancean” style, I’m referring to Jack Vance’s ironic, witty, and ultimately dark writing style. When you finish reading about the Dying Earth and pick up one of Matthew Hughes’ books, you’ll think Jack Vance was writing under a pseudonym. Matthew Hughes has captured Vance’s style almost perfectly. It’s amazing.


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