Tonight we’ll hear from the first women to ever be nominated by a major U.S. political party to run for President. But, as we all know, Hillary has problems. The Bernie supporters have made the Democratic National Convention lively. Michelle Obama’s powerful speech managed to bring temporary unity on Monday night, but you can see the fractures in the Democratic Party. And Hillary Clinton remains problematic. Trump continues to gain support and could win the Election in November. This could be a nail-biter. What do you think?
hillary trust


      1. maggie mason

        Rick, he’s said he is going to as far as I can remember. I’ve never seen him give any specifics as to why he has such a hatred for Hilary.

    1. Todd Mason

      A woman being elected, yes. HRC herself…well…I’m voting for Jill Stein. (Don’t worry, New Jersey will put all its Electoral College votes in HRC’s column.)

  1. Wolf Böhrendt

    But then Trump might have to be feathered and quartered for what he already promised – I shudder to think what he might do!

  2. Deb

    Whatever Hillary’s faults (and, being human like the rest of us, she has them), they have been magnified to gargantuan proportions by 25 years of getting dumped on by right-wing media. People talk about shooting her, but the candidate for the other party gets a free pass for asking a foreign power to commit cyber-espionage on his behalf? Unf*cking believable! You’ll never convince me there’s not deeply-ingrained misogyny, coupled with the aforementioned quarter-century if media shellacking that has caused this level of visceral hatred.

    Anyway, we should all be praying for and working for a Hillary victory in November. Unless, of course, you admire Vladimir Putin’s governing style and are completely copacetic with having a president whose fortune (soi-disant) is hip-deep in Russian mob money.

    /Dismounting soapbox now.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, the hatred for Obama and Hillary cannot be underestimated. Trump knows how to tap into the rage against “The Establishment” and the “Status Quo.” It’s a scary Election.

    2. Todd Mason

      Well, for some of us, it isn’t hatred so much as no love for militaristic neoliberalism. And the berserkers in the GOP are mostly upset about the Clintons co-opting the GOP reactionary message in many ways (militarism, the Crime Bill, corporatism, etc.), without being very beholden (except in their wishy-washy record on LGBTQ matters) to the Christian Far Right. I’ve been plumping for women candidates for decades.

  3. mary mason

    I agree with Deb. I’m not a big fan of Hillary, but the alternative is horrific to contemplate. Trump still hasn’t released his tax returns, and that concerns me. He has to be hiding something. He’s bragged about using the bankruptcy “tool” and even his charitable donations are proving elusive to find. His claim to self fund his campaign is a lie. He’s brash and arrogant, and not familiar with the concept of speaking the truth. Even his wife plagarized Michelle Obama’s speech (though to me, her dull way of reading off a teleprompter was the worst thing about it – Michelle spoke very sincerely from the heart, melania looked like a robot)

    I do agree with at least part of his stance against illegal immigration, but there is no way a wall can be built as he says.

    I’ve only had contact with one of trumps supporters. I was in a line at CVS, long due to only one lane open. The woman behind me (6th in line) was really upset at having to wait. (I’d been in line all of 3 minutes) and said trump would fix problems like this. the woman behind her rolled her eyes, and I asked if she had considered his 4 bankruptcies. she pooh poohed that and said he was a genius before she opened her mouth, I had thought she was just cranky about waiting in line.

    Deb, stay on the soapbox.

  4. Jeff Meyerson

    What Deb said.

    Ronald Reagan must be turning over in his grave at Trump sucking up to the “Evil Empire” like that. And the hypocrisy of Sean Hannity and the Fox News amen corner, who have been bashing all of Obama’s supposed “faults” for 8 years, yet have rushed to excuse Trump for so much worse. What happened to standing up to the Russians, Sean?

    What a phony.

    The scary part to me is, I really see Trump as the Greg Stillson character in Stephen King’s DEAD ZONE. There is no “there” there and, as I’ve been telling everyone who would listen for months, there is literally nothing Trump won’t say, or do, if it pops into his head.

    Wolf, you are right to be afraid.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, you’re right about Trump saying and doing ANYTHING! Yesterday’s Trump invitation to the Russians to hack our computer systems is a good example. Hillary and the Democrats have to realize Trump won’t follow the standard Political Playbook. Trump conducts a political guerrilla campaign: asymmetric and unexpected.

      1. maggie mason

        add immoral and arrogant, along with just plain cruel. His mocking of a disabled person shows just how low he’ll sink.

  5. Jeff Meyerson

    I don’t get the Republican Party. Where are the balls? These people dislike Hillary that much that they are willing to stay silent and let him say this sh!t? Where is John McCain? On vacation? There should have been a press conference this morning condemning Trump in no uncertain terms. Instead of which, we get silence, even from the few who aren’t supporting him.

    They are going to let him take their party and maybe the country down the toilet, and let it happen without a word.

    As Trump would say: Sad! Pathetic!

      1. Todd Mason

        George, I’m pretty sure the GOP has never expected Trump to win. They just wanted to minimize their “downticket” losses. They also didn’t think they had anyone who, replacing Trump, will not also lose and thus have that mark against their ambitions in 2020.

  6. Richard R.

    An historic moment that has been a long time coming, and I’m glad it’s come to pass.

    I agree with Jeff on the GOP letting everything slide, I don’t understand it. It’s as if the party is spineless and is just counting on knee-jerk ignorance to win for them.

    Deb is right about the election. I know someone who told me months ago, to my shock, that Obama is a liar (and other worse things). But then he is a dedicated watcher of Fox, so I guess I should have known. It’s like the Fox viewers drank the Cool Aid. Trump is a loose canon waiting to go off in the faces of the American public.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, Hillary struggles under the burden of 25 years of Right Wing Talk Radio and TV attacks. Some voters are convinced that Hillary is a criminal and no amount of failed investigations and “proof” will change their minds.

  7. Richard R.

    If Trump wins, half of the American public will get what they deserve (for voting for him) and other half will get screwed. Or maybe everyone will get screwed.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, the British voters cast their ballots for BREXIT and now the British pound is sinking like a stone and jobs are flowing out of the country. Democracy doesn’t guarantee Good Decisions. There are enough disaffected voters to put Trump in the White House. And, like BREXIT, there will be “buyers’ remorse” for that action when the inevitable disaster strikes.

  8. Jeff Meyerson

    The question is, why hasn’t “The Donald” been hauled in for questioning since so many knowledgeable national security experts have called his words and actions “treasonable”? If that were to happen he would just pick up his marbles and go home!


    1. george Post author

      Jackie, the Republicans would block such actions. They’re “All In” on Trump. Sadly, they’ll support whatever nutty thing he says or does.

  9. Wolf Böhrendt

    Don’t know if anyone here has ever looked into breitbart.com (we call it breitfart …), the typical purveyor of conspiracy theories and advocate for Trump – but you’ve been warned!

    Re TRump an OT story which I might have told before:

    Around 10 years ago I went to Miami Beach for a holiday to GAFI (get away from it all) – my wife had died and I hadn’t found (and wasn’t thinking of finding …) a new partner yet. So on the first evening I was sitting at the bar of the Dezerland Hotel when a huy came in and said to the bartender: Give evryone at the bar one drink on my account!

    It wasn’t obviously the first time this happened, because the bartender almost jumped to do this. When I said thanks and asked the guy for the reason he realised that I was a foreigner and we got into a pleasant conversation. He told me he was a salesaman for the Trump Tower on North Miami Beach and had just made a sale with a good commission and he also told me that Trump wasn’t really involved financially in that project – it was only his name …

    He also told me that the buxers of those condos were mainly people from Middle/Southern America – anyone wonder where they got that half million $ from?

    So that was my first impression of Donald Drumpf, whose grandfather emigrated from Germany it seems.

  10. Jerry House

    Two things: First, while it is a historic moment nominating a woman to be the standard bearer of a major American, so what? Most of the country has moved beyond that to the point of, “Sure, a woman can be president. Why not?” It’s history but it’s also no big deal. As it should be.

    Second, Salon.com has an article positing the possibility that Trump isn’t crazy, but he may be sick. Some of his core mental facilities do raise a flag of concern that he may be suffering from Alzheimer’s or some other type of dementia. While I don’t think this is the case with Trump — IMHO, he’s an insecure narcissist with a streak of paranoia — but I would rest much easier is he had (and passed) a complete medical examination before the election.


    I also think the GOP lost it’s guts beginning when Mitch McConnell declared that it was his primary job to ensure that Obama did not get a second term. There had been moments before when political convenience overshadowed both principles and the best interests of the country, but this was a real tipping point.

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, this Election campaign has been the most unconventional in my memory. I remember going to a George Wallace rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1968 (mostly to boo him). Wallace was a fiery speaker who really connected with his supporters. I’ve seen the same speaker-audience chemistry with Trump and his followers.

      1. Todd Mason

        Yes. And remember how Wallace did. I’ve been comparing Trump to Wallace and Huey Long for months…only, as I usually append, without their gravitas.

  11. Deb

    Wolf–I’d say we’re all familiar with Breitbart, but here in the States the right- wing echo chamber is so vast and so unhinged, Breitbart.com is just one more drop in the stinking sewer of paranoid, ignorant, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, pro-authoritarian, pro-totalitarian, neo-Nazi, white nationalist, conspiracy-theory-obsessed (did I miss anything?) mind set. It’s a disgrace what Fox News and its media compatriots have done to civil discourse in this country in the space of a quarter-century. Appalling and incredibly sad. Come on, America, we can do better than this.

    /Preaching to the choir, I know.

    //Dismounting soapbox once more.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, the paranoia and anxiety level of the Right continues to grow as the possibility of a Hillary Clinton Presidency looms. Rush Limbaugh and his ilk see conspiracies everywhere. They fuel their listeners with fear and hatred.

    2. Wolf Böhrendt


      Deb, am I allowed to quote this on a German or Hungarian political site – coming from an expert?

      1. Deb

        Wolf–I’m not expert, but feel free to quote me. But I’d also recommend visiting some American left-leaning political blogs (such as Talking Points Memo), if you haven’t already, where the posts and the comment sections are far more eloquent than anything I’ve said here.

    3. Todd Mason

      And Breitbart’s own reporter was influential in getting Trumpkin’s tool fired, kind of. And CNN decided to snap that guy up, even while he was still drawing a Trumpkin salary.

  12. maggie mason

    I remember way back when trump had just announced his intentions to run. I thought great, he doesn’t stand a chance, but will split the gop vote. I actually thought of registering republican to ensure he got enough to run on his own (remember when he was going to do that if he didn’t get the gop nod, also when he was self funding his campaign). I thought he didn’t have a chance.

    I’m not a fan of hilary, but realize she’s the lesser of 2 evils/better choice by far. I don’t see how anyone with half a brain, or even a fraction of a brain, could vote for trump. I agree that maybe he should be investigated for treason.

    Maybe the trump university lawsuit will be over by the time the election is near (doubtful) and his supporters will get a damn clue.

  13. Cap'n Bob

    Trump makes a sarcastic remark about the Russians finding Hitlery’s 30,000 missing e-mails and the left spins it into accusing him of encouraging Russia to spy on us. She runs a money laundering scam–her foundation–and violates federal law by using a private server and it’s a right wing assault on her sterling character. Some people.

    BTW, I’m a Sanders supporter. I haven’t decided who I’ll vote for but I know I won’t vote for the quacking hag!


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