ice on niagara falls
Western New York has experienced a couple of weeks of frigid temperatures (below 32 degrees Fahrenheit). Right now, the temperature is 12 degrees and the wind chill is -2. We’re just a few miles from Niagara Falls and contrary to popular belief, some parts of Niagara Falls do freeze. Here’s the visual evidence. It’s eerily beautiful.

16 thoughts on “ICE ON NIAGARA FALLS

  1. Prashant C. Trikannad

    George, 12 °F doesn’t mean as much as -11 °C and I can see what you’re up against. In Bombay, we get excited if the temperature touches 12 °C (53 °F), enough to bring out our woollies. We are at the close of winter, if we can call it winter, and the temperature right now is 29 °C (53 °F) and it’s mildly pleasant. We dread the next three months of summer when temperatures rarely dip below 32 °C (90 °F) and humidity is very high.

    1. george Post author

      Prashant, extreme cold and lots of snow complicate life here. But, I’m built for this kind of weather. Hot weather in the 90 degree range rarely shows up in this part of the world (which is okay by me).

  2. Deb

    Brrrrrr! Here on the Northshore of Lake Pontchartrain we had a “3-P freeze” last night–meaning cold enough to protect people, pets, and plants but not severe enough to worry about pipes. We only get a handful of those “4-P freezes” (the ones that include wrapping pipes and running faucets at night) during the winter and I NEVER long for more. Today our high is projected to be in the mid-fifties–sweater and jacket weather, but nothing frozen. Stay warm!

    1. george Post author

      Deb, we have stories on the local news about roofs collapsing from the weight of the snow. Burst pipes happen frequently (but we have escaped this). People have to adjust to the weather conditions when the snow and cold hit. You stay warm, too!

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    So glad we escaped before the blizzards this year. Down here in South Florida they talk about the “cold” when it goes down to the 50s at night and the few days it has been in the 40s…forget it. We’re talking near-Apocalypse references. But so far it has been pretty cool overall in the two weeks we’ve been here, which is perfectly fine with us. It did hit 84 yesterday but will only be around 70 (normal high: 75) today and much of the week.

    Niagara Falls is an amazing place. On both our visits I just stood on the Canadian side and watched the water go over in fascination. You could easily stand there watching for hours. I saw the video of the guy climbing the frozen Falls last week. Better than going over in a barrel!

  4. Richard R.

    The small falls here (Multnomah Falls, Bridal Veil Falls (no connection to Yosemite), Horsetail Falls, others) get pretty frozen when we have a long spell of 20s, which we haven’t had this winter, but they are nothing like the size or volume of Niagara, of course. Your photo is beautiful.

  5. Lauren W.

    My most recent visit to Niagara Fall was actually last year with Amanda and her kids. Although the temperature had warmed up, the water was still partially frozen over, and quite beautiful! As much as I enjoy looking at the Falls, I find it really frustrating to be so close to so much water and not be able to touch it.

    Hope you have been doing well, Dr. Kelley, with this latest storm! On Monday, I was about 15 minutes late for my stats class despite leaving 10 minutes earlier than usual.

    1. george Post author

      Lauren, I find Niagara Falls even more beautiful in the winter than in the summer. Yes, the commutes to the College have been difficult this winter. Plenty of cars in the ditch. Plenty of accidents because of the icy roads. I leave early, too, but somehow I’m always rushing to class! Stay warm and safe!


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