With Donald J. Trump, presumptive Nominee for President of the Republican Party, now a convicted felon the danger to Democracy in America just amped up. Trump needs to win the Presidency to defend himself from more serious legal problems posed by the Justice Department and Jack Smith. You can bet if Trump wins in November, he’ll gut the Justice Department and fire Jack Smith. And pardon himself.

Will November’s Election be our last Presidential Election? Many commentators who know Trump claim if he gets back into the White House, he will NEVER leave. Dire times ahead! What do you think?


  1. Dan

    A lot depends on how many of his enablers are still in Congress next year. They’re already on the talk shows yelling “Mistrial!” and claiming he never said “Lock her up!”

    1. george Post author

      Dan, the MAGA crowd loves to “re-write” History. Like Trump not testifying at his trial when we have video of him saying he would.

      1. Jeff Meyerson

        Yeah, up is down and down is up, I guess. Trump said, “Lock her up!” about Hillary and got a big reaction, so he used it in EVERY speech for the rest of that campaign. Now he’s saying that he never said it? He really does need his brain scanned. As to his not leaving the White House should he win, one, fat chance, and two, he’s 77 and in bad health, so I don’t see him likely to live beyond four years. Of course, should he win, none of us might make it that long.

      2. george Post author

        Jeff, I’m always amazed when politicians like Trump make statements on TV and then deny them later–despite the video showing them saying what they are denying! But their cult followers believe their twisted Reality and lies.

  2. Deb

    Whatever happens, there are dark times ahead. America, just like every other country in the world, is not dictator-proof…especially not when half the population apparently WANTS a dictator to rule us and NOT a functioning democracy to guide us. As Bette Davis said in “All About Eve”: “Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.”

    1. george Post author

      Deb, the November Election could ring the death knell of Democracy in America. Trump will purge the Government and fill it with his stooges. Then Trump and his pal Putin will attack the World Order.

    2. Todd Mason

      Half the population doesn’t want that, I’m quite sure. He’s never won a popular vote, and I suspect he won’t win again at this point. But we certainly do have too many fascist fan-kids and Quislings among us…and always have.

      1. george Post author

        Todd, I hope you’re right. As I’ve said before, wild cards like RJK, Jr. could throw a close Election to Trump.

  3. Jerry+House

    I’m not looking forward to the next few months. For years (well actually forever) politicians on both sides of the aisle have been ignoring the needs and the fears of many citizens, allowing some well-meaning people to be gulled by the batshit crazies. The divided country that has resulted will take a long time to heal, and any healing will not be allowed under a second Trump presidency. I strongly suspect that, if elected, Trump not serve much of his second term — his mental and physical health, as well as the possibility of assassination will preclude it. I suspect whoever is vice-president then, along with the unthinking Trump loyalist placed in key roles, will flush the country further down the toilet, making democracy effectively extinct. Makes me want to hop into bed, turn the electric blanket up to 9, and pull the covers over my head, staying there for the rest of my existence.

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, I’m very concerned about all the Dark Money (from Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc.) funding the Trump campaign. And the millions of texts and fake news postings by enemy hackers each day disrupting democracy, voting, and civil society. Will citizens step up and defend our form of Government…or knuckle under to authoritarianism? Stay tuned!

  4. Fred Blosser

    Dictator proof? Short answer–who’s kidding who? Most people couldn’t define Democracy if it bit them. Democracy is what Dark Money campaign financing, our current Congress of used car touts, the appalling Supreme Court majority, and Social Media insanity say it is. Wait–we do have the take charge Dems, the independant news media, and a Kennedy to save us, don’t we? OK, we’re doomed.

    1. george Post author

      Fred, I agree with you on everything! But at the core of our problems is our dismal Education system that doesn’t teach “civics” any more. Most young people don’t understand what Democracy is, how it works, and why it’s better than having an authoritarian regime.

  5. Jeff+Meyerson

    We’ve heard from 2 people who separately decided to move to Portugal if he is elected. Apparently beautiful. Peaceful and cheap.


  6. Todd Mason

    Portugal won’t be safe, alas. But I’ll bet a quarter that Drumpf fails to win either popular or EC vote and of course whines and foments riots till he dies of a stroke in response to no longer being able to skate on all his crimes.

    1. george Post author

      Todd, the millions of dollars that poured in after Trump’s conviction will probably go to pay his legal fees, not campaign costs.


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