BBC America broadcasted this series back in June 2015. Now it’s available on DVD and Blu-ray. The TV version follows Susanna Clarke’s novel about two magicians in England. Mr. Norrell is the scholar of magic who takes Jonathan Strange as a student. But, soon, the student seems to have surpassed the teacher. Strange assists the British Army against Napoleon at Waterloo using magic to turn the tide of the battle. Like the novel, the story takes a while to get going. But the final magical fireworks are impressive. If you’re looking for something different, you might give Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell a try. GRADE: B+

10 thoughts on “JONATHAN STRANGE & MR. NORRELL [2 Blu-ray Discs]

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    I didn’t read the book and have no interest in this. For whatever reason, movies about magicians leave me cold for the most part. One exception was the television show JONATHAN CREEK.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, I wasn’t impressed with the novel version of JONATHAN STRANGE & MR. NORRELL but the BBC version was better. There are rumors of a “Season Two” circulating. I would probably watch it.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, if you can hang in there for the first couple episodes (which are slow), the concluding episodes are worth it. The pacing in both the book and this TV version is glacial at the start.

  2. maggie mason

    I think I watched the first 3 episodes and gave up on it. I was pretty bored, and I’ll watch darn near anything.

    One thing I’ve heard about recently is a streaming service for Broadway shows. It’s supposed to be $15 a month. I don’t have room on my outlet for more things to plug in, but I think there is a device that can plug into the TV, and I’d go for that


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