Kick-Ass is based on a comic book (what current movie isn’t?). The movie has generated plenty of mixed reviews. I wasn’t sure I wanted to see it. But, watching the trailer, the sight of an 11-year-old girl graphically killing about 30 Bad Guys struck a chord. It’s not everyday you see that kind of action. After seeing the movie, there’s no doubt that Hit Girl, played by Chloe Moretz, is the Real Deal. Once upon a time, kids had adventures (arguably not this violent). But The Little Rascals entertained audiences with their exploits. That genre is gone, but Hit Girl shows the potential of what could be done. Nicholas Cage plays Hit Girl’s devoted and vengeful father. Aaron Johnson plays a lame high school dweeb who wants to be a super hero. The kid orders a scuba suit and becomes Kick-Ass (which has to be a joke because he really does get his ass kicked regularly in this film). This is a very flawed movie, but there’s enough over-the-top plotting here to hold your interest if you want to give Kick-Ass a chance. GRADE: B-

6 thoughts on “KICK-ASS

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    I don’t want to stimulate the economy enough to see this one, George. I’ll wait until it hits cable.

    Jackie’s current list: IRON MAN 2, CITY ISLAND and BABIES.

  2. Richard Robinson

    No, thanks. I’m really getting sick of all the violence, violence, violence. It would be nice if the film industry would make an effort to create a film with some peace, love and and little consideration for humanity instead of slash, chop and kill. If that makes me sound like some ’70s peacenik, so be it, I WAS a ’70s peacenik. Maybe I still am. I don’t want to sound like Fred Wertham here, but a little balance would be nice. Yeah, I know what sells is what’s made, but the thirst for violence is self-perpetuating and increasingly these days it seems to be spilling over into our everyday lives…

    1. george Post author

      You need to watch LETTERS TO JULIET, Rick. Diane and her friends watched that last night (and loved it) while I saw ROBIN HOOD (slash, chop, and kill epic). We both came away from the Regal Theater happy.


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