Patti Abbott recommended Man Up a week ago so I tracked down a copy at my local public Library. Diane and I watched Man Up over the weekend and enjoyed many laughs at the twists and turns of the plot in this funny movie. Lake Bell plays a 34-year-old journalist who is being pressured by her family to start dating again. Her last relationship ended badly. Just by chance, Lake Bell’s character is mis-identified as a “blind date” by Simon Pegg’s character. Bell plays along and comedy mayhem results. You might remember that Simon Pegg plays “Scotty” in the Star Trek movie reboots, but he’s a frustrated marketing manager in Man Up. If you’re looking for 90 minutes of fun, Man Up will tickle your funny bone! GRADE: A-

8 thoughts on “MAN UP [DVD]

  1. Steve Oerkfitz

    I like Simon Pegg. The World’s End, Shaun of the Dead. But been burned lately on rom coms. I didn’t much care for The Big Sick which everyone is raving about.

  2. Patti Abbott

    Glad you like it. I like both these actors and that’s a good start. And although there was the creepy high school friend, I think they needed a bit of darkness to balance the light.

  3. George Kelley

    Patti, a little weirdness fit with the unconventional plot. I’m pretty sure MAN UP never made it to Western NYA theaters. Without your fine review and recommendation, I would have had no idea this movie existed. Thanks again!

  4. Jeff Meyerson

    We liked it a lot too, except of course for the creepy high school stalker. Bell did a good British accent, but she did go to college in London and worked on the stage there,

  5. Maggie mason

    I’ll put it on my netflix queue I’m waiting for Still Life based on Louise Penny’s books. Changed up Bouchercon schedule and are going to Knowlton before Bcon and doing Buffalo after.


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