Maybe Happy Ending is based on  an original South Korean one-act musical with music composed by Will Aronson and lyrics written by Hue Park, and book written by both Aronson and Park.

The Broadway musical version Diane, Katie, and I saw follows two android helper-bots, Oliver and Claire, who discover each other in a Seoul warehouse for “retired” robots.

Oliver is a Model 3 who misses his owner, James, desperately. Claire is a Model 5 who knows more about the situation than Oliver does. The two helper-bots develop a connection when Claire’s charger and battery run low. Oliver, resistant at first, decides to help Claire. But Oliver’s Wi-Fi chip fails and no replacement parts are being produced to extend “retired” robots’ lives.

Oliver and Claire then have to deal with challenges that test what they believe is possible for themselves, their relationship…and love. Maybe Happy Ending has humor and profundity along with two brilliant actors: Darren Criss and Helen J. Shen. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll think differently about Artificial Intelligence. GRADE: A

10 thoughts on “MAYBE HAPPY ENDING

    1. george Post author

      Patti, Patrick saw MAYBE HAPPY ENDING a few weeks ago and loved it. With his recommendation, Katie was able to buy tickets and we were delighted by this quirky musical!

  1. Beth Fedyn

    I would never have looked at this one. A good tip but I probably won’t be able to take advantage of the Broadway show.
    Too bad because I really like Darren Criss.

    1. george Post author

      Beth, Darren Criss was great! I’m guessing if MAYBE HAPPY ENDING has a prolonged run on Broadway, there may be a touring company version. I’d go see it again!


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