I know Cap’n Bob loathes Tom Cruise (AKA The Evil Dwarf), but I found a lot to enjoy in the latest (and best) of the Mission Impossible movies. A cunning terrorist has framed the Impossible Missions force with the bombing of the Kremlin. The U.S. Government has invoked the “Ghost Protocol” where they publicly disavow the MI while covertly encouraging them to find the terrorist before a political disaster occurs. There’s the usual eye-popping stunts and cool gadgetry. Cruise’s team of Jeremy Renner, Paula Patton, and Simon Pegg balance off the screen time. If you’re looking for a stylish action-movie, MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GHOST PROTOCOL will keep you on the edge of your seat. GRADE: A


  1. Jeff Meyerson

    I’m not as extreme as Cap’n Bob but I would never pay money to see a Cruise movie. Now that I think of it, I wouldn’t watch one on television either so maybe I am as extreme as the Cap’n!

    1. george Post author

      You’re missing out on a finely crafted MISSION IMPOSSIBLE, Jeff. Cruise’s role is much reduced from the previous MI movies. This one’s a winner!

  2. Deb

    I’m on Team Cap’n & Jeff: Tom Cruise has always left me cold–I was actually surprised at his turn in “Tropic Thunder” which was funny (but which wasn’t a “Tom Cruise” role either, anyone could have been under all that makeup). I put Cruise in the same category as Matthew McConaughey as men who act with their smiles and dimples. And don’t even get me started on the Scientology stuff…

    1. george Post author

      I understand the almost universal loathing of Tom Cruise, Deb. But MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GHOST PROTOCOL is a very good action movie. For fans of that genre, the screen time of Cruise shouldn’t be a deterrent.

  3. Patti Abbott

    This was a solid movie despite my dislike of TC and Scientology. Unfortunately my love of movies makes me see ones where I detest the star. I draw the line at Madonna though.

    1. george Post author

      Madonna’s latest movie venture, the bio pic W.E. (about the affair of King Edwart the VIII and Wallis Simpson), only has Madonna singing the title song, Patti.

  4. Jeff Meyerson

    We saw the preview of W.E. and it didn’t look good. Madonna glossing over the whole Nazi thing doesn’t make me want to see it. And the whole ripoff of the Julie/Julia format is pretty pathetic.

    1. george Post author

      The preview of W.E. struck us about the same as it did you and Jackie, Jeff. Wallis Simpson was a social climber and knew how to attract men.

  5. Stan Burns

    I am not a Cruise fan but this was a terrific movie. I saw it the first week when it was only available in Imax – and what a difference that made – especially when they are a thousand feet up on the world’s tallest building. Also, credit should be given to director Brad Bird (the Incredibles, The Iron Giant) in his first live action movie. He uses some cartoon conventions (the failing grip glove) to comic effect while still heightening the film’s tension. You should see this for Brad Bird’s direction rather than Tom Cruise’s acting.

  6. Deb

    Rather than focus on the (self-created) drama and romanticism of the Edward-Wallis affair, a much better movie could be made about what happened to the Duke & Duchess AFTER the abdication: She henpecked him mercilessly (never forgiving him for not fighting harder to make her his queen) while he sunk into apathy and drink. They spent the next four decades drifting from the villa of one nouveau-riche friend to another, never picking up the tab and allowing their black pugs to crap everywhere. Good times.

  7. Jerry House

    I can understand the loathing of Cruise, but (despite his smarmy smugness and blatant stupidity) he can be an effective actor. However, the premise of the first Mission: Impossible movie — that Jim Phelps had devolved into a traitor — put me off those films completely.

    1. george Post author

      I wasn’t that enthralled with the first three MISSION IMPOSSIBLE movies, Jerry. But this fourth movie is pure excitement. Highly recommended! And, if my opinion isn’t enough, check out Stan’s comment.

  8. Jeff Meyerson

    Exactly my reaction, Jerry, and why I would never watch another of them.

    Deb, according to Madonna’s fantasy version Wallis never wanted to be Queen.

    As if.

  9. Deb

    Not to hijack the thread, but I thought the presentation of Edward & Wallis in “The King’s Speech” was pretty accurate: Wallis, domineering and self-centered without a trace of understanding of the place of the monarchy in British life, with Edward (played well by Guy Pierce) equally self-centered but utterly without any sort of inner courage or backbone.

    I imagine their post-abdication life was like “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf” without the compassion.

    1. george Post author

      “I image their post-abdication life was like WHO’S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF” without the compassion.” Ha! Deb, you have a way with words (and irony). Madonna says W.E. will “humanize” Wallis Simpson for contemporary audiences. I’m skeptical.

  10. Cap'n Bob

    By supporting the Smirking Dwarf you indirectly support his evil cult. If that is okay with you, that’s your lookout.

  11. Beth Fedyn

    I’ve never seen a Mission:Impossible movie although I loved the series back in the day. A friend recommended it. We saw it. I really enjoyed it. I’m not running out to get the previous installments but I was entertained.

  12. Carl V.

    I am not a fan of Cruise the individual, but more often than not I enjoy the films Cruise is a part of. I liked the other MI films well enough but this one has been my favorite of the lot. It was an edge of your seat thrill ride and I thought the supporting cast did a really nice job, as did Cruise. It was a lot of fun to see on the big screen. The kind of thrill one expects from a summer popcorn flick right in time for the holiday season. My wife and I saw it before Christmas and enjoyed the heck out of it.

    1. george Post author

      My wife and I enjoyed the heck out of MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GHOST PROTOCOL, too, Carl. I thought that the supporting cast was excellent and I’m hopeful they show up in the fast-tracked MISSION IMPOSSIBLE #5.

  13. Drongo

    Jeeze, ten months after you wrote this review I finally see GHOST PROTOCOL. Never been sure what to make of oddball Tom Cruise, but this was a pretty entertaining flick, especially the climbing up the wall scene. I hadn’t realized how good the supporting cast was, and how much screen time they had. (George, did you notice how attractive Paula Patton is? Maybe I was the only one who did.)

    1. george Post author

      Drongo, I sure noticed Paula Patton! The sequel to MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GHOST PROTOCOL is scheduled for Summer 2013 with basically the same cast.


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