I had a free ticket to Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation. This is the fifth movie in the Mission Impossible series and it has all the usual IMF elements: action, cool gear, incredible stunts, and a complicated plot. This time around, the IMF force is “disbanded” by Congress because Alec Bladwin (head of the CIA) says they “lack transparency.” At the same time, a criminal organization called “The Syndicate” takes steps to destroy the Mission Impossible force. The IMF team needs to break into an underground (and underwater) bank to retrieve key information. There’s violence at an opera. And, there’s a very fetching agent (played by Rebecca Ferguson) who reminded me of Emma Peel in her prime. All in all, I predict Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation will become a hit Summer Movie. GRADE: A-


  1. Jerry House

    I have a like/hate relationship with this series. The first film was a blatant betrayal of the source material by having Jim Phelps being cast as the villain, and the entire series seems to be an ego trip for Tom Cruise. I’m not as vehemently anti-Cruise as the Cap’n, but as an actor Cruise has rapidly devolved to a one-trick pony. Yet I’ve watched each movie as it has come out, making it to the end and wondering why so many people seem to like the series far more than I. After each film I havve a glimmering and unrealistic hope there would be no more. Still I watch. Silly me.

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, I was a big fan of the original MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE TV series. Like you, I’ve seen all of the movie versions and although they “modified” the format I still enjoy the incredible stunts and the clever plotting. Filming for MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE #6 starts next summer.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    I’d never pay to see a Cruise movie. I never have.

    After the first one I swore to never watch one of these. I never have and never will.

    Stick to EDGE OF TOMORROW, Tommy.

  3. Carl V. Anderson

    While I’m not a fan of Tom Cruise as person, I rarely find a Tom Cruise film that I don’t enjoy immensely. Oblivion remains of of my more recent favorites. Just watched it again on Friday. We went and saw this yesterday and it was great. So much fun, which is what I expected after enjoying the other ones. One of the more entertaining films I’ve seen this year. I look forward to seeing the extras on the blu ray, showing how Cruise yet again did his own stunt work.

    1. george Post author

      Carl, my daughter GOOGLEd this movie and found out Tom Cruise was injured six times during the filming. The scene where he’s hanging on the to plane as it was taking off was real–no CGI on that one!

      1. Carl V. Anderson

        Yes, he generally always does these stunts non-CGI. Granted, he is tied in good, but still…

        My cousin read that they had to film the opening plane scene 8 times. Not sure I’d want to hang off a plane once, no matter how secure, let alone 8 times. He is definitely an impressive actor in that respect.

      2. george Post author

        Carl, the hanging on to the plane taking off scene was marred by the force of the wind forcing Cruise’s eyes to close.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, I’m drawn to the format of the MISSION IMPOSSIBLE series. Like you and the Cap’n I’m not a Tom Cruise fan. But Rebecca Ferguson is terrific in this film.

      1. Carl V. Anderson

        I’m finally at the point where I need to admit that I AM a Tom Cruise fan. I see most of what he is in, almost always like it, and often end up buying and watching them over again.

  4. Cap'n Bob

    Anyway, speaking of that stinking cult, The Scientology Organized Crime Family, I did a little more research on Neil Gaiman. It said he left it in the ’80s but still has siblings inside so he doesn’t talk about it. As you may know, if a family member leaves the cult the ones still in it are required to disconnect from him/her immediately. Parents/children, siblings, friends, married couples, it doesn’t matter. This is the group dedicated to freedom. HA!

    But I rescind my comments about Neil. Apparently he’s just another victim of this horrible group.

  5. James Reasoner

    That betrayal of the source material Jerry mentions is why I’ve never watched one of these movies and never will. I’ll watch Cruise in other movies. Some I like, some I don’t. I thought EDGE OF TOMORROW was his best in recent years.


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