About two months ago, my DELL desktop computer died. I spent the next week or so trying to bring it back to life. I failed. Patrick recommended that I replace the old DELL with a new APPLE iMac desktop computer.

I’ve rarely used APPLE products. No iPhone, no iPod. Diane and I use the iPad Patrick gave us mostly to read ebooks. So I had a little trepidation switching from a WINDOWS computer (all the computers at the College I used to work for were WINDOWS computers, DELLS or HPs). My last three computers at home were DELLs.

So far, I love my new APPLE iMac. Love the 27-inch screen! Love the speed and ease of use. Yes, there’s still some quirky things that vary from the ways things work in WINDOWS, but I’ll master them. Patrick ordered the new APPLE iMac. Katie–who was home for a friend’s baby shower–installed the new computer. It’s great to have tech-savvy kids! Are you a fan of APPLE?

11 thoughts on “NEW APPLE iMAC COMPUTER

  1. Patti Abbott

    Phil has this exact computer on his desk and likes it. I still use my Dell laptop despite the fact there is a new Mac laptop waiting for me in my closet. I still hook a mouse and keyboard to them, preferring the raised keys and mobile mouse.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    No Apple products here either, Not that I have anything against Apple (other than the cult-like fannish tone of too many supporters), but I’ve always used Windows and I feel too old to start over (unlike you, obviously). I like the Android phone and tablet, though I like the look of the iPhone. I’ve used mostly Dells too, but since the last one died I’ve made the decision – at least for the moment – to just go with the HP laptop for now, and I have no complaints.

    But congratulations (I forgot to say that)! It looks great. Maybe if I had Patrick and Katie here to walk me through it, I would have gone that way too,

  3. Maggie mason

    A new toy!! looks good. I’ve only had 2 computers, laptops, both HP. I think due to my lack of tech savvy (or tech savvy offspring) bells and whistles would be lost on me. I’m in the market for a smart phone, but will probably get a virgin mobile one, as that’s my current plan (pay as you go with tons of credit)

    1. george Post author

      Maggie, yes I love my new toy! The Amazing Patrick and Kate the Great handled everything! I’m sure if I ever get a smart phone, Patrick and Katie will choose which APPLE iPhone is best for me…and set it up!

      1. wolf

        Yes, george, it’s nice to have (produced and reared …) tech-savy kids! Congratulations!

        My wife is similar – I can’t help her there with Hungarian IT terms, so her younger son set up her smartphone, her tablet for facebook etc and her kindle for reading SF and Fantasy novels …
        Though we use cheaper hardware here in Europe, Apple is just too expensive for us.

        Me, I also prefer a large screen so I bought a new Lenovo laptop last year (300 € i e 350 $) – Lenovo took over IBM’s PC business …

  4. Beth Fedyn

    My Dell (which I did upgrade to Windows 7 about 4 years ago) is 10 years old and I’m thinking of something new.

    This “thought” has been stimulated by the fact that my sister Marianne gave me a nice, new HP printer for my birthday. It’s sitting in the dining room, taunting me.

    I will probably go with a Dell desktop. Computer uses are now mainly games, e-mail, and Internet. But, like Patti, I prefer the raised keyboard.

  5. Kevin Burton Smith

    Enjoy the Mac, George. I’ve been using ’em for twenty years and love ’em for their intuitiveness, style, simplicity and pretty much trouble-free operation. I started using them back in the day because I was working as a graphic designer and PCs back then were pretty much a joke back then; useless for any sort of desktop publishing beyond maybe a simple flyer — I was doing books and magazines and the like. Service bureaus (remember those?) and print shops wouldn’t even accept Windows files at the time.

    My wife, however, is a PC girl, but them, mostly she just writes on it, checks mail and surfs. I always know when a new version of Windows is out — it sounds like she has a drunk, angry sailor trapped in her office. Then I realize it’s just her, cursing Bill Gates for “moving stuff around.”

    Me? When there’s a new update, I download it (for free), make my choices, hit “install” and go for a walk. I come back, it’s done. No drunken sailors for me.


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