Diane and I traveled to Ohio to spend the Columbus Day weekend with Diane’s sister. We also visited one of Carol’s sons in Finley, Ohio. I was able to visit JEFFREY’S FLEA MARKET and LIBRARY HOUSE BOOKS in Grand Rapids, Ohio. Here’s what I found! How did I do?

33 thoughts on “OHIO BOOK SCORE!

  1. Prashant C. Trikannad

    George, I think you did very well. All the books have such distinctive covers that tell their own stories. On another note, if Trump loses Ohio to Clinton, as he is likely to, he’s unlikely to win the election, is it? Just today I read that no Republican has won the White House without winning Ohio. I didn’t know 18 electoral college votes could be a deciding factor.

    1. george Post author

      Prashant, the U.S. is a very divided country at this point. Democrats want to consolidate the progress made during the Obama years. The Republicans, those following Donald Trump, want to tear everything down. When voters are 50/50 one state–like Ohio–will tip the balance. I saw an awful lot of TRUMP signs sitting on front yards in Ohio!

      1. george Post author

        Prashant, most of Trump supporters will stick with him. But Trump’s antics are turning off “Undecided” voters, especially women.

    1. george Post author

      Dan, I just got lucky. I wish I had more time at Jeffery’s Flea Market. It’s a huge place and by the time I found the book section I only had about 40 minutes until Closing Time.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    Nice haul! I love the Marlowe cover.

    I think Trump is going down in Ohio too.

    Prashant, you’re right. No Republican has won without winning Ohio. Trump could be the first to win Ohio and lose anyway, but there is a good chance Ohio is going the way of most of the other so-called “swing states” and voting Democratic.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, you’re right. The sense I got while in Ohio was that people want a CHANGE and see Trump as the vehicle. And, they also really, really hate Hillary.

    2. Prashant C. Trikannad

      Thank you, Jeff. I have been following the US elections very closely, although I find the electoral system quite confusing. From the various polls Clinton appears to be leading in most of the swing states and that’s good news, I think. A lot of Indians still believe that Al Gore won the 2000 election and that Bush just got lucky. I’m intrigued that a swing state, like Florida in this case, can influence the final result. What happens to the majority vote from across the nation? This is, of course, a layman’s view.

      1. Jeff Meyerson

        There are 18 states and the District of Columbia (Washington, DC) that have voted Democratic in at least the last 6 elections. That is 242 electoral votes out the 270 needed. Other states like New Mexico and Virginia have moved in that direction. The reason Florida matter so much is that it has 29 votes, enough to put Hillary over the top even if Trump wins Ohio and Iowa and some others.

      2. maggie mason

        P I still believe Gore won the election. jeb bush as gov. of Florida, along with the supreme court, helped bushy win. I am constantly flummoxed by the electoral college system. I’m very fearful that trump will win, and believe his statement he could shoot someone and his supporters wouldn’t falter in their feelings for him.

        I’ve also heard that if trump wins, Canada is going to have to build a wall (joking??)

  3. Patti Abbott

    Where in Ohio was this? I miss the days when we could find great books here. I would buy some for the covers alone.
    I am very worried about the Wikileaks. The Clintons certainly inspire hate.

    1. Jeff Meyerson

      Patti, I agree. When I started working in Greenwich Village in 1970 I used to walk over to 4th Avenue at lunchtime, where a few of the great old used bookstores were still in existence. They were mostly very long, narrow stores with thousands and thousands of books piled on shelves. Or I’d go to the Strand and just browse the fiction shelves for an hour. In England there were lots of stores like that too, both in London (several on Charing Cross Road) and elsewhere.

      Sadly, those days are mostly behind us. The internet has changed everything.

      1. maggie mason

        I still remember a mom & pop grocery store near my house that had a spinner rack of pbs. Wish I could find stores like that again.

        I may be out of the book business, but I’ll still go to library sales sometimes. Sadly, I find so few “screamers” any more. The last screamer I found was a first without a jacket of Lady in the Lake by Chandler. Found it in one of my own bookcases!!!

    2. george Post author

      Patti, Finley, Ohio is near Bowling Green and Toledo in the Western part of the state. I’m sure we’ll see more from Wikileaks. They’ll probably release the really damaging emails the week before the Election!

    1. george Post author

      Bill, the Avallone hardcover doesn’t have an image online. It’s a Henry Holt book with a murky cover. The cover on the paperback is way better!

  4. Deb

    Just speaking anecdotally, I suspect you see more Trump than Hillary signs because, frankly, there’s so much violence simmering just below the surface of many Trump supporters, Hillary supporters don’t want to expose themselves, their children, or their property to people who have been urged by their candidate to use “Second Amendment solutions”. I haven’t seen too many Trump or Hillary signs here (although Louisiana is a deep red state and will undoubtedly go Trump), but I was both surprised and rather shamefacedly heartened when I saw a large Trump sign on a busy neighborhood street had been vandalized with red spray paint.

    1. Jeff Meyerson

      My favorite anecdote came from last January when we were driving down to Florida. We stopped for lunch in Port Orange and saw two guys jump out of their car, wave Ted Cruz signs on the corner for about a minute, then jump into their car and drive away, almost like a posse was on their trail. Pretty funny.

    2. george Post author

      Deb, you’re right. Trump supporters are not shy about declaring their allegiance to The Donald. We drove by dozens of farms with Trump signs on their lawns. And you’re probably right about Hillary supporters keeping a low profile.

    3. maggie mason

      I hadn’t thought about that, Deb. Here in Calif., I have only seen Hillary signs. Our papers editorial page has tons of pro trump letters, sigh.

  5. Jeff Meyerson

    Even around here we see the occasional Trump T-shirt or hat. I have had to almost physically restrain Jackie from engaging them in conversation, because…what’s the point. She did get into it (politely) with two old ladies in Starbucks who seemed to believe Trump had given millions to veterans and was really self-financing his own campaign.

    He isn’t.

  6. R. Robinson

    Geez, a great post hijacked by the politics. Pfui.

    You made many great finds, George. I’m especially impressed by the Pease (great cover!), Marlowe and Marston. I’d love to read that Pease when you’re done with it (prompt return guaranteed!). I’m not familiar with that Brunner at all. The Marston is in a great series, one I’ve been meaning to get back to. There’s a post coming on series I mean to get back to, by the way. Boy oh boy, good job.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, you’re as enthusiastic about my book finds as I am! I read several Pease novels when I was a kid. I can’t remember if I read THE TATTOOED MAN or not, but I’m sure it will be featured as an FFB soon. And, when I’m done reading THE TATTOOED MAN, I’ll send it to you gratis. I’ll know it’s safe in a Good Home.

    1. george Post author

      Prashant, you can talk about politics on this blog anytime. With just a few weeks until the Election, plenty of “October Surprises” are ahead! Anything can happen!


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