I have no special insights into this year’s OSCAR picks. I’ve seen most of the movies nominated so here’s what I think will win:
BEST DIRECTOR: Damien Chazelle, La La Land
BEST ACTOR: Denzel Washington, Fences
BEST ACTRESS: Emma Stone, La La Land
BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR: Mahershala Ali, Moonlight
BEST ORIGINAL SONG: “City of Stars,” La La Land
Who do you think will win big at the OSCARS tonight?

37 thoughts on “OSCAR AWARDS 2016

  1. Steve Oerkfitz

    I think Moonlight or La La Land will get best picture nod. I actually prefer Hell or High Water but I think that has no chance. I also prefer the Silence or The Handmaiden which didn’t get nominated.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    I like your choices, especially as I thought LA LA LAND was pleasant but overrated and I hope it doesn’t win. I am hoping HIDDEN FIGURES wins, but if not then MOONLIGHT. The only actor I am really rooting for is Mahershala Ali.

    Sadly, the days when I really cared about the Oscars, made lists of all the nominees and carefully chose the winners, are well behind me. I can remember details of past years, my mother calling me several times to talk about winners and losers and who looked the best or the worst. I can remember begging her to let me stay up and watch the show, back in the late 1950s when presenters and nominees were real movie stars, not Jennifer Aniston, and Bob Hope was the host, not Jimmy Kimmel.
    I could give you a list of past winners who are alive and well and yet won’t be at the Oscars, let alone on stage, but what’s the point? This is why last year we skipped half the show to watch Downton Abbey. We won’t do that this year (The Walking Dead can wait), but I no longer really care. As Donald Trump would say, Sad.

    I really miss the old days.

    And stay off my lawn!

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, LA LA LAND will win a lot of awards. Hollywood loves movies about…Hollywood. I’m anticipating some “political” acceptance speeches.

  3. Bill Crider

    Like Jeff, I miss the old days. I can remember when I cared about the Oscars, but only vaguely. I’ve seen ZOOTOPIA and HELL AND HIGH WATER. That’s it.

  4. maggie mason

    I have only seen LALA Land, so my guesses are pretty much based on what I read.

    Based on the awards it’s already garnered, I’d say LALA will sweep, at least get best pic. I wondered why Viola Davis is supporting nom. From everything I”ve heard, the kid in Lion should get supporting actor. I’d like to see Octavia Spencer get best actress. I”ve seen clips and she kills it. I’ll tape it and give it a 45 min head start and watch skipping commercials.

    I still like watching and like the awards. Not like the Edgars, which I stopped caring about when I learned it was just the 5-6 person committee who made the choices, not the entire membership of MWA.

      1. george Post author

        Rick, some of my students will be playing a drinking game during the ACADEMY AWARD show: they take a shot every time someone says TRUMP, racism, sexism, or homophobia.

  5. Deb

    For many years, I tried to see all of the nominated movies plus nominated acting awards (especially in the supporting categories where it is more likely the associated film is not a best picture nominee), but I’m afraid I’ve become very lax at keeping up. I will be watching tonight–it’s a family tradition and the twins are home for Mardi Gras break–but I don’t know much about any of the nominated movies. LA LA LAND seems to have a lot of buzz, so I’ll go with that.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, the NEW YORK TIMES published a statistic that 55% of Americans have not seen ANY of the films nominated for BEST MOVIE. Most people in the USA watch movies at home (Blu-rays, DVDs, NetFlix, etc.) or on their devices.

      1. Deb

        In Louisiana there is! The twins are home until Wednesday. The public schools are closed all of next week.

  6. Rick Robinson

    I’m probably not going to watch this year. The red carpet stuff begins at 2:30 this afternoon (!!!) and Oscar stuff runs all the way from there. Barbara will have that on while she’s sewing on a quilt project, I’m going to read a little, take a nap, take a walk (if the snow lets up, which I think it will).

    I think it would be cool if Hidden Figures got some recognition beyond it’s nomination.

  7. wolfi

    Now a confession:

    Haven’t been to the cinema once in the last 12 years …
    Somehow I just can’t manage – we prefer to go out to a bar or walk and have a look at the scenery …

    And on DVDs/Blurays we only have Blues/Rock concerts!

    Hollywood doesn’t make too much money on us …

      1. wolfi

        I hate anything that looks/sounds/feels like a musical, I’m sorry!
        To me that’s just Kitsch …


        The Oscar-show must have been funny, with all that politicising and the mistake abou best movie (at the end ?) …

      2. george Post author

        Wolf, the OSCAR ceremony nonsense is just part of the proceedings. I still think the Russians were involved, not not extraterrestrials.

  8. Cap'n Bob

    I saw a few movies last year but no Oscar contenders! Modern movies don’t interest me much! Too much MTV editing!

  9. Rick Robinson

    WHAT A SNAFU AT THE END! I can’t believe that happened, and it seems they are making Price-Waterhouse the scapegoat. Beatty and/or Dunaway should have seen immediately it was the wrong card and asked for a clarification before reading the wrong name out loud. Oh my.

  10. Jeff Meyerson

    I still think Warren should have checked the envelope to make sure they handed him the right one.

    Didn’t the Price Waterhouse guy wonder why he had an extra envelope at the end?


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