outside of a dog
I’m a sucker for a book like Rick Gekoski’s Outside of a Dog. The title comes from the famous line “Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read” by Groucho Marx. Rick Gekoski grew up on Long Island, attended the University of Pennsylvania, and then went to Oxford University in England for his PhD. Throughout his life, Gekoski loves books. I got a kick out of Gekoski trying to win his girl friend back by sending her a poem by Yeats. Unfortunately, Gekoski’s rival sent a better poem by Yeats and won the girl. Gekoski finds teaching Literature classes not the dream job he thought it would be. After a few years of struggling with undergraduate essays, Gekoski gives up his secure job and decides to do what he really loves: become a rare book seller. Gekoski meets Graham Greene and buys a large part of his personal collection. The stories of book deals make for fascinating reading. If you love books as much as I do, you’ll relate to Rick Gekoski’s stories and his wonderful books. GRADE: B+

9 thoughts on “OUTSIDE OF A DOG: A BIBLIO-MEMOIR By Rick Gekoski

  1. Prashant C. Trikannad

    George, I like Groucho Marx’s quotes, whacky but clever. Did he also, besides Perelman, inspire Woody Allen and his brand of humour? It is fascinating to read anecdotes and trivia about writers and their books.

  2. George Kelley

    Prashant, Groucho influenced a whole generation of comics and humorists. Woody Allen has acknowledged Groucho’s wit affected his own brand of comedy. I’m always interested in what books people love. OUTSIDE OF A DOG is funny and surprisingly touching.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, you’ll enjoy many of the scenes of Gekoski’s life in England. His comments on English education are right on the money.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    Sounds 100% up my alley. Love Groucho too. Woody quoted him many times, especially the line about not wanting to join any club that would have someone like him as a member.


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