wodehouse set
For that P.G. Wodehouse fan on your holiday buying list, here’s The Complete P.G. Wodehouse series (99 volumes!) from Overlook Press. It’s only $1,378. I own a couple dozen of these Overlook Press books. When BORDERS was going out of business, I loaded up on these wonderful novels that were selling for pennies on the dollar. Part of me would like to buy this set just to support Overlook Press for this wonderful project! But, of course, I suspect Diane would find spending over a thousand dollars on a set books I already own many of (in Penguin editions mostly) a dubious enterprise. But, I’m sure there are Wodehouse fans who are rejoicing to see these books back in print and available to a new audience. If you want to know more about these books, just click Overlook Press.

47 thoughts on “THE COMPLETE P. G. WODEHOUSE SERIES (Overlook Press)

  1. Prashant C. Trikannad

    George, my wife is a huge fan of Wodehouse and she too has dozens of Penguin editions of his books. In fact, it’s thanks to her that I started reading PG though I haven’t read one in more than a year. I absolutely enjoy his brand of humour even though it is stereotype in subsequent novels.

    1. george Post author

      Prashant, I’m convinced P. G. Wodehouse is one of the best writers of the 20th Century. I hope to read all of his published work in the years ahead.

    1. george Post author

      Dan, I’m finding it harder and harder to find old paperback editions. We’re done to just a few used bookstores here. I visit GOODWILL and SALVATION ARMY thrift stories weekly. But I haven’t found a DELL Mapback in a couple years.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    Looks like my name and other info have disappeared from WordPress again.

    I wonder if Art Scott has this set.

    I’ve been working my way through the Wodehouse books and have really enjoyed them all, even the golf stories. Naturally, I’m reading the collections of stories first, for the most part.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, reading all of Wodehouse is one of my goals when I finally retire. I’ve accumulated a lot of Wodehouse books, but this compete set certainly tempts me. Art Scott should buy this!

  3. Art Scott

    Thanks to Jeff and George for sage advice on how to spend my money, but I’ll reluctantly pass. I have several of the Overlook volumes and I agree that a complete, uniform set would be a topping thing to have, but there’s also something to be said for a collection like mine, a mongrel assortment of hard and soft, mass market and trade; bought new and used, stretching back in time to Ace D25 and Dell 393. I’m especially fond of the Perennial Library trade editions with great cartoon covers by Steven Guarnaccia. The Overlooks are staid and monochromatic in comparison. Besides, where would I find the shelf space?

  4. R.T.

    Oh, I hope Santa sees this posting and remembers that I could use a few good laughs at this point in my life. (Well, even if Santa doesn’t follow your blog — and he ought to be ashamed of himself — I at least enjoy visiting, and now I will visit the library for some much less expensive Wodehouse.) All the best from R.T. at

  5. Beth Fedyn

    Maybe you and Art can go halfsies on this.

    Of course, you’d have to work out who would have custody when and for how long.

    1. george Post author

      Beth, I’m very very tempted to buy this Overlook collection. My union just negotiated a new labor contract at work and we’re getting $10,000 in back pay. If I could talk Diane into diverting some of that money to the Wodehouse acquisition…

  6. Richard R.

    My info is also gone again, George. Time to fix that again!

    I enjoy a little Woodhouse occasion, but not enough to buy the whole set. However, George, I do think you should, along with a bookcase just the right size to ho,d them.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, I would love to stimulate the economy by buying this Wodehouse collection. But I’m not sure Diane would go along with it. She thinks I have too many books!

  7. maggie mason

    This is so tempting to me. I’m a big Wodehouse fan dating back to the early 70’s when I first started working full time during the day. I would go to the library and check out books, and read at night until i crashed (about 9:30-10 as I wasn’t used to getting up early) Once I picked up a Wodehouse by mistake and was instantly hooked. The next weekend, I went to used bookstores in search of more. I was at Wahrenbrocks downtown (mentioned in Somewhere in Time by R. Matheson) and saw a row of firsts in dj’s for about $2.50. I didn’t have the money then, so went back the next sat. they were gone. The clerk laughed when I asked what happened to them, and said that they were only on the shelf for about 4 hours. I suspect another store owner bought them. GRRR.

    I then went on to collect wodehouse, and have a complete set of hb’s many firsts in DJ. As I’m consolidating 2 houses into one, selling my collection and getting this set would probably be cost effective. I also have what i remember to be a complete set of pbs. These I kept at my parents house in case of catastrophe at my house. I think the print in most of the penguins is too small now. I can’t decide whether the Blandings or Jeeves series is my favorite. Have been tempted to get a moo cow creamer, just to have something in common with the characters. I haven’t read one in way too long, so may treat myself over the holidays!

    If anyone is looking for reasonable copies, my friend scott works at Adams Ave. books here in SD. The owner is a wodehouse fan, and they have many books for reasonable cost. tel # is 619-281-3330 Scott works mon and tues.

    1. george Post author

      Maggie, what makes this more tempting is that Overlook Press has just offered to give a 30% discount to anyone who orders the complete P. G. Wodehouse set!

  8. Jeff Meyerson

    Good story, Maggie. I had a couple of customers looking for specific titles so I always checked the shelves in British bookshops. I like the old Penguins too.

  9. Cap'n Bob

    I’ll pass! Not that I don’t think they’re fine books! I just don’t have the space and I’m reading other things now!

  10. Santa

    I’m watching, George! I won’t have room in the sleigh for this set, but you’ve been a good boy and you deserve them. So go ahead, you’ll be glad you did! You have my full endorsement. Just show this comment to your wife.

  11. Carl V. Anderson

    I’m a big fan of Wodehouse, and love these Overlook Press editions. I probably only have ten or so, and would love the whole collection, but certainly cannot justify spending the money on it in one fell swoop like this.

  12. Ben

    I have a question, Overlook Press lists there only being 93 books in the series. What are the other 6 books? I’m actually interested if you’re still selling. If you’re not still selling, could you at least let me know what the other books are? Thanks!

    1. george Post author

      Brendan, Overlook Press was sold to Abrams Books in 2018 and I see no trace of THE COMPLETE P. G. WODEHOUSE SERIES. I still pick up individual volumes in that series when I find time.

  13. Satya

    Hi George,

    I was looking around for a way to buy these hardcover Wodehouses. On your “About Me” page it says you are selling books, and I wonder if you were in the market to dispose of some Wodehouse volumes. Please let me know.

      1. Satya

        Thank you George. I have a bunch of miscellaneous PGW paperbacks, but wanted to “upgrade” to the Overlook Press books or at least a set of hardbacks. I will continue to keep an eye on eBay.

      2. george Post author

        Satya, I’ve picked up several Overlook Press Wodehouse editions at Library Sales over the years. Some were in mint condition, seemingly never read. Good luck!

    1. george Post author

      Paul, Overlook Press Wodehouse volumes are Keepers in this house. However, I’ve seen Overlook Press Wodehouse volumes at Library Book Sales…pre-Pandemic.

    1. george Post author

      Janki, good question! Overlook Press continues to publish Wodehouse books. I’m guessing they’re up to about 100 volumes.

  14. Paul Siegfried

    George, I want to heartily thank you for your blog. It’s because of you that I now own the complete Overlook Press / Everyman’s Library set of P.G.! As has been mentioned here, Overlook/Abrams no longer sells the set as a whole. It took me about a year to piece the set together, purchasing from, and It began with seeing a few on for about $6 each. They only get overstock or close out books from various vendors, so it’s very hit and miss. It didn’t take long to realize that it would probably take a decade or so to get them all if I waited for them to appear on that site, if they ever did at all. Therefore, I began looking for other places that had them at a reasonable price. The two I mentioned above topped my list, selling most of them for between about $11 and $14. Not bad. One important thing to mention to anyone thinking of making a purchase is that Blackwell’s, although they’re in the U.K., offers, get this, FREE shipping to the U.S.! At least they did a couple of months ago when I completed my collection.

    I wish I could attach a pic of my books which I originally had in alphabetical order, but which now resemble the pic you have on your blog. I think they just present better that way. I did make a list of the spine color of each title to make it easier to find what I’m looking for. George, if you’d like to see a pic, drop me a line and I’ll send one along. When, and if, you get it you may notice that I have eight volumes with solid color spines, not having the white top. That’s because they were part of three box sets produced by Overlook: Golf (2 books) Blandings (3 books) and Jeeves and Wooster (3 books). In each of the sets I already owned all but one of the books, but I just couldn’t pass up the packaging (pics of which I’ll also be happy to send to you). Besides, they were offered at for about the price I would have paid for the single book in each that I didn’t own. So, I ended up with dups of six books. But hey, if you’re going to have multiples of someone’s books, who better than Wodehouse’s?

    I think that’s all I’ve got to say for the moment except to give many thanks to my lovely and understanding wife who allowed me to buy them all. George, if Diane’s the competitive type, maybe she’ll at least want to match my wonderful Theresa’s magnanimity and let you purchase the set as well. Here’s hopin’!

    1. george Post author

      Paul, congratulations! I know when I complete a set of books the thrill I feel is electric! You should be proud of yourself in achieving this difficult collecting project! I still pick up Overlook Press volumes whenever I come across them. My Wodehouse collection grows haphazardly, but I’m happy yours is complete!

      1. Paul Siegfried

        Thanks, George. Yeah, it really does feel good. I’ve read 52 Wodehouses since discovering “the greatest comic writer of the 20th century,” so I’m about halfway to the finish line. And when I get there I can start all over again! By the way, since you’re still piecemealing your collection, I recommend going on and making a wishlist. They’ll email you when one you want comes in stock. And like I said, the price is normally around $6. Of course, there’s a $5 shipping charge to consider, so hopefully you can get more than one at a time. Good luck.

      2. george Post author

        Paul, thank you for your recommendation of! I’m going to follow your advice and send them a wishlist! I’ve read about 40 Wodehouse novels and have a dozen of his books waiting to be read. So I have quite a ways to go. But, your example motivates me to complete my Wodehouse collection more quickly!

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