SMALL FAVOR By Jim Butcher

Small Favor is the 10th book in the Harry Dresden series (and one of the longer books at 541 pages). Harry Dresden is a professional Wizard and Private Investigator in Chicago. Dresden is approached by Mab, monarch of the Winter Court of the Sidhe, who Dresden owes a favor. That small favor balloons into the size of a dirigible as more sinister forces enter the picture.

As I’ve mentioned in previous reviews, these Dresden books feature battles. Some of the battles involve Magic. Some battles involve automatic weapons. Some battles involve both Magic and advanced weaponry. Small Favor amps up the battles with a furious fight in an aquarium. But, that’s just a warmup.

The final battle in Small Favor is a titanic conflict on an eerie island in the middle of Lake Michigan that’s not on any maps. Magic, machine guns, and hand-to-hand fighting result as Dresden tries to settle some scores and discover who has been manipulating the action. Of course, some questions remain unanswered to fuel the next book in the series. Exciting reading! GRADE: A

4 thoughts on “SMALL FAVOR By Jim Butcher

  1. Steve Oerkfitz

    After this series you should read all the Maigret’s in order.
    That guy in the picture does not look like someone whose reviews I would trust.

    1. george Post author

      Steve, I figured if I put that photo up it might generate some comments. Actually, I almost have a complete set of Maigrets. Penguin is reprinting them and I have about 70 titles so far. Just about a dozen to go!

    1. george Post author

      Rick, I usually don’t like to binge. I’d rather read more widely. But, with another Jim Butcher/Harry Dresden novel–BATTLE GROUND–due out in September 2020, I’m speeding through the remaining novels so I can be up-to-date when the new one is published.


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