Melissa McCarthy plays a mousy clerical worker at the CIA who volunteers for a secret mission. During the silliness of Spy we see Melissa McCarthy develop into an action hero. Jude Law plays a suave spy and Jason Statham portrays a tough-as-nails spy (a spoof of the character Statham usually plays in action movies). Directed and written by Paul Feig (who directed Bridesmaids and The Heat), Spy will entertain you and make you laugh. If you liked Bridesmaids and The Heat you’ll like Spy. GRADE: B

27 thoughts on “SPY

      1. Todd Mason

        SPY, however, is better…not least in not having any character set up to fail so pointlessly as Bullock’s character was in the older film.

  1. Deb

    I definitely want to see this. I admire McCarthy for her sheer determination in pursuing a career despite her distinctly non-Hollywood appearance. The movie looks a tad predictable, but I’m still looking forward to seeing it.

  2. Patti Abbott

    I will never get Phil to see this but he will never get me to see INSIDIOUS 3. Hope they are at the same theater!

      1. george Post author

        Todd, INSIDIOUS 3 only cost $10 million to make. The movie will take in plenty so expect an INSIDIOUS 4 in a year or two.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    Patti, we did that once in Florida – Jackie went to see Maugham’s THE PAINTED VEIL and I saw Forest Whitaker as Idi Amin in THE LAST KING OF SCOTLAND (which she refused to see).

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, sometimes Diane goes to see one movie (usually a romantic comedy) and I’ll go see an action movie at the same Regal Theater. That way, we’re both happy.


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