We can all agree 2020 was a Dark and Devastating year with the coronavirus pandemic, Trump’s attempts to damage our Democracy and Government, and the dismal Economy. Despite the ravages of the Trumpism, the coronavirus, the Recession, and social isolation, the good people of America (and those Brexit folks in the U.K. and the Euro Zone) await the winds of change approaching fast. We’re all hoping for the Best in 2021 now that the vaccine has appeared.
Amid all this chaos, the wit and wisdom of Patti, Jeff, Deb, Rick, Beth, Todd, Art, Willam, Maggie, Bob, Prashant, Sergio, Carl, Lauren, Steve, Jerry, Wolf, Stan, Dan, Neeru, Michael, Byron, Elgin, Tracy, Scott, Jim, John, Kevin, Randy, James, Kent, Fred, and Matthew as well as all of you who make this blog a part of your day brought hope and sanity in these times of despair and outrage.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
George, we have to thank you (and your family!) for giving us not only a lot of things to think about – and also comment on.
Let’s just hope that you can continue and we all will go back to normal sooner or later.
Wolf, thank you for your kind words. The Covid-19 vaccine roll-out in the U.S. has been plagued by problems. The goal was to have 20 million people vaccined by December 31. The Government managed only 3 million. At this rate it will take 5 years to vaccine all Americans. And then, there’s the problem of people who don’t want the vaccine…
This is usually my first stop when I open my web browser in the morning and I’m always curious about what you will be covering today: a review of a 700-page tome? the purchase of a new appliance? a recommendation for a 4-CD set of Dylan covers? the euphoria of a Bills winning season? kitchen yummies courtesy of Patrick & Katie? Who knows what the day will be bring on the Kelley blog, but I’m always there for it!
Deb, the Saints and Bills are in the Playoffs! And our teams will be hosting Playoff games with actual fans in the stands. The Saints are 9 1/2 point favorites. The Bills are favored by 6 1/2. Thank you for your insightful comments!
Thanks for giving us a space to sound off. My first stop(s) of the day are a cruise through my various news sites to make sure the world didn’t end overnight, but then I’m generally here. Especially in the last couple of months it’s been a welcome escape from living in the center of the political universe which, believe me, is not a nice place to live.
Michael, we’ll all be riveted by the Georgia Senate Run-off Election tomorrow. Will some sanity return to Washington? We can only hope. Your comments are rich in knowledge. Thank you for being part of this crew!
You are definitely the King of the Bloggers in this house. I’ve gotten too many books to add to my list here, as well as movies, television shows, and DVDs.
Keep up the good work!
Jeff, I consider this blog a team effort. Your encyclopedic knowledge of movies and books always astonishes me! Where would we be without you?
It is always a pleasure to come here and find….who knows what. Keep on trucking, George.
Patti, I plan to keep on truckin’ as long as smart people like you come and visit the blog. And, your blog is my first stop of the day.
thanks for hosting I don’t always have anything to contribute, but try to remember to at least read your post and the comments.
Maggie, we always welcome your input, especially on movies, TV, and politics!
Thanks to you for a Daily Delight!
It won’t be 2021 for me till Biden takes office.
Dan, I’m with you on Wednesday, January 20, 2021. Thanks for your clever wit! Shakespeare, The Great Prognosticator, anticipated Trump when he wrote: “Though this be madness, yet there is method in’t.”
Always a pleasure to visit here, George. And I am waiting for the Anthony Gilbert review:)
neeru, I have Anthony Gilbert scheduled for January 30, 2021 (I tend to work ahead on posts). I like to visit your blog, too!
Keep up the good work George. Your blog and Patti’s are the first two I check out every morning.
Steve, I appreciate your comments especially on music!
Thanks for all the effort and gentlemanliness, George. I keep think I have my depression-driven relative inertia licked, and discover Not So Much.
And have another 2019-20 tv series to rec, which I’m not sure was cited…Amazon’s THE BOYS, about the corruption of “super-heroes” and everyone driven tor justice tempered by revenge.
By me, this cheesecake model is cuter than many featured, but I think this photo is supporting evidence for my lack of regard for make-up (and its nearly obligatory status in most societies around the world).
Or keep thinking (I keep turning to pat Ninja the cat). Though not always typing.
Todd, I have a crush on Gal Gadot (aka, WONDER WOMAN) and thought I’d share this photo of her.
Ah. You see, so thoroughly dipped in latter-day Max Factor, I didn’t recognize her!
Todd, and she didn’t have her Lasso of Truth!
You’re very welcome, my friend. It’s always a treat to see what you and the rest of the gang are cheering or booing.
Fred, you’re a welcome addition to the gang!
I too enjoy the variety of your reviews and comments. Keep them coming.
Kent, what do you think of the NHL starting up next week? And thanks for joining us in 2021!
Just was speaking to a friend who has been a Winnipeg Jets season ticket holder since the WHA days. Was shocked when he said he wasn’t paying much attention to hockey. I assume with camps starting up and lots of local hype people will be more interested. I like the idea of an all-Canadian division. Despite playing and officiating for most of my life, I must admit that I haven’t attended a Jets game since they returned to the NHL and never watch a full game on TV or listen on the radio. People who know I write a sports column don’t believe that so I remind them that my column is titled Memories of Sport and has an historical focus.