Ted Cruz, running a distant third in next Tuesday’s Republican Primary in New York, holds a “Town Hall Meeting” at SUNY at Buffalo (about 15 minutes from my house) with Chuck Todd of MSNBC today. The event will be taped and broadcast tonight at 8 P.M. on MSNBC. So far, Cruz has been heckled and harassed since he arrived in New York City last week. This is not Cruz country. Donald Trump arrives in Buffalo over the weekend. If John Kasich was in town, no one noticed. It’s been a long time since New York had an impact on the primary process. A big Trump win could make the prospects of a Cruz comeback remote and a “Contested Convention” less likely. I still think the Republican Convention in Cleveland in July will resemble the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago. Chaos!


    1. george Post author

      Jerry, I have classes to teach today so I’ll miss the Cruz “Town Meeting.” But, I might watch a bit of it tonight on MSNBC.

  1. Dan

    I don’t remember Chicago ’68 myself, but my grandparents watched it on TV when they were little kids and they told me about it.

    1. george Post author

      Dan, I have fond memories of the Democratic Convention in Chicago in 1968. While the police were battling the protesters on the TV, I was on a couch making out with my then girl friend.

  2. Deb

    I have rarely had so visceral a response to not just a politician but to a person as I have to Ted Cruz. Even before he opens his mouth and lets the crazy come out, it’s as if every sensor in my body is set to revulsion. I find him a thoroughly repellent human being–and, judging by some of the awkward pictures I’ve seen, apparently his wife and daughters feel the same way.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, I’m baffled by the support Ted Cruz is getting from seemingly rational people. Maybe he’s just the anti-Trump guy. Cruz’s colleagues in the Senate can’t stand him, either.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    You mean Cruz isn’t Wilbur Post? He looks like his twin!

    There is no doubt that a big percentage of his support is the “Stop Trump” vote, which I could understand if Cruz wasn’t more repellent than Trump could ever be.

    We had the candidates here – Cruz at a matzoh factory in Brighton Beach (!), Kasich eating at a Bronx deli – but they know New York is a lost cause to Trump. Now we have the Bernie fantasists – free college for all! the rich will pay, just like Mexico will pay for Trump’s Wall! – and tonight’s debate in Brooklyn. Fortunately, we are not being bombarded with that much advertising, and it will all go away after Tuesday.

    No one can make me watch this crap.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, I’m impressed by the 27,000 people who showed up at the Bernie rally last night. But how many of them are registered to vote?

  4. maggie

    cruz was here in San Diego, had protesters, etc. I just wanted him to go away I think he’s scarier than trump because he’s less buffonish, and more slyly evil. I agree he’s the gop choice as an anti trump. sigh

    1. george Post author

      Maggie, Kasich will come in second in New York State, but that isn’t going to change anything. If Trump wins big in NY, he gets all 96 delegates.

  5. maggie mason

    I really hope trump wins the nomination as I think more people will vote Dem just to keep him out of office, regardless of who the candidate is. I could be wrong, though.

    1. Jeff Meyerson

      Yes, but if they can “steal ” the nomination from Trump – whether for Cruz or Ryan or someone else – Trump will run his campaign of destruction, which is even better for the Democrats.

  6. Beth Fedyn

    I’m with Deb.

    If that’s the first impression we have, imagine how he’ll be received representing USA in a world arena.

  7. Wolf Böhrendt

    I have to confess that I’ve always been baffled by the US system of POTUS elections ever since I became interested in US politics about 50 years ago and often I’ve thought: This can’t be true – is this the way the most powerful man (or woman maybe this time) in the world is chosen?

    I still remember one of my first holidays in the USA with my first wife in Florida in 1988 – on the day of the election we went to a bar because I wanted to see the people’s reaction live. But of the 12 or more tv screens most were showing sports and nobody was looking at those two screens were the votes were counted …

    That was a kind of shock for me …

    But like most of you here I’m hoping that the dem candidate will win – it really might be better for the world (especially us in Europe) – whether it’s Bernie or Hilary doesn’t matter!

    1. Jeff Meyerson

      Ah, but Florida is different from most of everywhere else, Wolf. But yes, this system is totally nuts, and this year is probably the nuttiest ever.

    2. george Post author

      Wolf, less than 50% will vote for President. Most people are disconnected from the political process (but they will complain about it even though they don’t vote). Most American hate politics.

      1. george Post author

        Wolf, Cruz is a distant Third in the New York State polls. This is NOT Cruz country. I expect Ted Cruz to lose BIG in all the North East States.

  8. Lauren W.

    I heard that only about 300 people showed up for Cruz’s rally. My brother and I went to the Bernie rally, and it was packed! We were outside in the overflow crowd with about 3,000 other people in addition to the 8,500 people inside the arena. I know people who just barely made the cut off to get inside the rally even though they arrived 3 hours early. It was so awesome to see Bernie in real life and hear him speak!

    1. george Post author

      Lauren, I’m glad you and Patrick had a great time at the Bernie Sanders rally at SUNY at Buffalo. Many of my current students support Bernie. But, unfortunately, too many students didn’t register to vote so I expect Hillary to win the NY Primary next week.


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