Claire Danes won an Emmy playing Temple Grandin, an autistic woman who revolutionized the cattle industry. Danes captures the brilliance of Grandin’s mind as well as the frustration with the “normal” world. Director Mick Jackson cleverly uses some flashbacks to fill in the back story of Grandin’s difficult childhood. David Stathairn plays Dr. Carlock, a former NASA scientist, who teaches science at the boarding school Grandin attends. He helps develop Grandin’s scientific curiosity and urges her to go to college. Grandin’s story, if it were presented as fiction, would be too incredible to be believed. This is an astounding movie with a strong cast (Julia Ormand as Grandin’s mother, Catherine O’Hara as Grandin’s aunt who owns a cattle ranch). HBO made the Right Decision when they green-lighted this film! GRADE: A+

6 thoughts on “TEMPLE GRANDIN

    1. george Post author

      Phil will love TEMPLE GRANDIN, Patti! It’s one of the most unique films I’ve seen in a long time. Claire Danes is amazing!

  1. Deb

    My oldest daughter has Asperger’s Syndrome (high-functioning autism, which I think is what Temple Grandin has also). Whenever she gets overwhelmed about not being “normal” or “like other kids,” I point to Grandin who is a fabulous role model for people on the ASD spectrum. I think this movie has made the world at large much more aware of the challenges posed by autism and the triumphs that can be achieved.

    1. george Post author

      I was blown away by Claire Dane’s performance, Deb. TEMPLE GRANDIN is the best film I’ve seen in 2011. It’s on DVD now. Grandin’s story both inspires and educates the viewer about autism.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    Not a huge Claire Danes fan in the past but she did an amazing job in this. It was really absorbing and one of the best TV films in a long, long time, maybe one of the best films of any kind.


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