As I mentioned yesterday, The American is based on Martin Booth’s arid novel, A Very Private Gentleman. In the novel, the protagonist is NOT American. But, that’s just the beginning of the changes Clooney and company have to come up with to breathe life into this movie. The movie begins with a scene taken from the middle of the novel: an ambush in Sweden where Clooney is almost killed. Clooney flees to Italy, but the stalkers aren’t fair behind. The movie creates a “handler” who negotiates Clooney’s commissions to create weapons for assassins. In the novel, the Clooney character worked for himself. Gone are the two sexy college students from the novel: the movie gets along with just one. And, the most drastic change of all is a new ending. Despite the lovely photography and atmospheric soundtrack, the bleakness of this movie won’t excite audiences. In fact, the crowd I saw The American with just sat there, waiting for more, after the final scene. GRADE: B

9 thoughts on “THE AMERICAN

  1. Deb

    I’m a huge George Clooney fan, but this one doesn’t look as if it would be to my taste. I don’t see any evidence of Clooney’s natural charm and appeal. I saw the trailer where Clooney is exercising shirtless, displaying multiple tattoos. Yes, primo eye-candy for woman like yours truly, but also a disturbing reminder of Robert DeNiro in “Cape Fear.” Not exactly the connection I want to make!

    1. george Post author

      I guess Clooney is just trying to stretch his acting talent, Patti. But, plenty of Clooney fans are going to be disappointed in this grim performance.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    And there is one huge mistake the filmmakers commit (in my opinion) at the beginning that colors the rest of the movie and lessens any sympathy you have for Clooney’s character.

    The prostitute with the heart of gold who falls in love with him and quits charging him is a cliche I thought we’d seen the end of, though she is pretty hot.



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