Joss Whedon, director of The Avengers, pulls off a minor miracle in blending Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Thor into a fast-paced action movie. Those of you familiar with the Avengers from the Marvel comic books know that six more dysfunctional characters would be hard to imagine. Yet, Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. (played by Samuel L. Jackson) manages to bring them together to fight an invasion led by Thor’s evil brother, Loki. Great battle scenes! Manhattan gets trashed. And, as always, the door is open for a sequel. I enjoyed The Avengers, it’s a perfect summer movie! GRADE: A

6 thoughts on “THE AVENGERS

  1. Randy Johnson

    I had a friend call me at midnight to relate how good it was. I’ll have to wait for the On Demand on the cable system to catch it myself(my health precludes going to see films without a lot of help). My movi3e going days ended before the rise of those damn cell phones and folks wanting to use any time. I’ve heard horror stories from friends about movie going experiences.

    1. george Post author

      One of my students told me days ago he’d seen the bootleg copy of THE AVENGERS, Randy. Apparently, THE AVENGERS opened in Europe before the U.S. and that allowed the bootleggers their window of opportunity.

  2. Patti Abbott

    That seems to be the consensus. I was at a play last night-a Beckett play–and everyone was talking about it. They had all seen the midnight showing. And, oh Randy, during the play cell phones went off twice. Can you imagine interrupting a live performance.

    1. george Post author

      I’m too old for the Midnight Madness show times, Patti. But almost all of the folks in the audience at the 12:20 P.M. performance of THE AVENGERS were our age. Cell phones going off during a Beckett play reinforces my belief that cell phones are instruments of Evil.

  3. Todd Mason

    If not as evil as an opera conductor’s singing along with the score for the entirety of the production, as utterly ruined one of our experiences at the Opera Company of Philadelphia (as a kibbitzing singer, he makes a foolishly self-important conductor).

    Now, go see Whedon’s horror film THE CABIN IN THE WOODS and the eventual Shakespeare film that they made around the interstices of this one…

    1. george Post author

      Joss Whedon is enjoying a big year with THE AVENGERS, THE CABIN IN THE WOODS, and his Shakespeare film, Todd. I’m hoping Whedon gets to direct the sequel to THE AVENGERS.


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