the big short movie
the big short book
You would think a movie about credit default swaps and collateralized debt obligations would make your eyes glaze over. But Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt, and the other members of this ensemble cast show how a few very smart investors saw how corrupt and dysfunctional our financial system was back in 2007 and tried to expose the facts. Along the way, they got rich by being right. The Big Short follows Michael Lewis’s brilliant book while pulling some cinematic tricks to keep the audience on their toes. I highly recommend this movie. Sadly, not that much has changed so our economy could implode again sometime soon. GRADE: A

12 thoughts on “THE BIG SHORT

  1. Patti Abbott

    Nauseating but terrific. Perfect example of great ensemble acting. I could be persuaded it was the best film of the year.

  2. Richard R.

    I don’t understand why it’s categorized as a comedy. (Same with The Martian.) I know the studios submit films in whatever category they choose, and it’s often thought the comedy film group is an easier win, but come on. These two films are not comedies!

    1. george Post author

      Rick, you’re absolutely right! The studios are up their their old tricks with classifying serious films like THE MARTIAN and THE BIG SHORT as “comedies.”

  3. maggie mason

    This is on my short list to see (after star wars) My cold and coughing has kept me from going to see any movies as I don’t want to disturb anyone else. I’m hoping next week as I’m getting better. I saw a trailer for something you may have mentioned with George Clooney, name escapes me, but its a Coen Bros. film and I want to see that as well.

    Beth piqued my interest in ryan gosling years ago, but I never say all of lars and the real girl. This was before his abs got famous in crazy stupid love.

    I remember when my neighbors lost their house and I actually thought about buying it. A nice Dr & nurse bought it, though they are now on a mission in africa. they have nice renters.

    1. george Post author

      Maggie, hope you’re feeling better. Winter colds are the worst! Keep up the Vitamin-C! You’re going to enjoy both STAR WARS and THE BIG SHORT although they are completely different types of movies.

  4. Wolf Böhrendt

    I haven’t seen the movie yet but I just read a critical analysis of the story behind it in our German magazine SPIEGEL and that report describes the whole scheme and tells us Germans that the story was real too, including the invilvment of the Deutsche Bank.
    Very revealing!
    Reading this I see the story of the film as a tragedy …

    1. george Post author

      Wolf, Michael Lewis’s THE BIG SHORT is worth reading, too. Lewis shows how the oversight of the banks was completely circumvented by bribes and payoffs. Investors thought they were investing in “secure” and “safe” mortgage-backed securities, but they were actually buying junk. And, it’s still going on.


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