Boba Fett, the enigmatic bounty hunter from the Star Wars series, shows up on Disney+ with an seven-episode season. Temuera Morrison plays Boba Fett. Ming-Na Wen plays assassin Fennec Shand, Fett’s partner.

Boba Fett and Fennec Shand attempt to make a name for themselves in the galaxy’s underworld by taking over the territory once controlled by Jabba the Hutt. The series is set on Tattooine between the events of Return of the Jedi (1983) and the second season of The Mandalorian (2020).

The first episode featured flashbacks to explain how Boba Fett landed in the circumstances he finds himself in. I’m more interested in Fennec Shand. Ming-Na Wen was one of my most favorite characters in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Melinda May. I love her projection of menace as an elite mercenary and assassin.

If you’re a Star Wars fan, you’ll enjoy The Book of Boba Fett as a fun diversion until The Mandalorian returns. Are you a Star Wars fan? GRADE: B+ (so far)

21 thoughts on “THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT [Disney+]

  1. Jerry House

    What with the Hoka — oops! I mean ewoks — and the terrible ending of the third film, I haven’t been much of a Star Wars fan. I did sit through the yawn-fest that was the fourth film but gave up somewhere in the fourth. The problem with Star Wars, I think, is that the franchise began to take itself too seriously and, in doing so, sucked the fun out of the shows.

    And get those danged kids off my lawn!

  2. Michael Padgett

    I loved the first trilogy, or at least the first two movies–the third one not so much, but bowed out after THE PHANTOM MENACE and never got back to it. Now, like the MCU, it’s just too much to keep track of unless you really love it, and I don’t.

    1. george Post author

      Michael, THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT doesn’t require much knowledge of the backstory. Of course, only one episode of this series is available now so I may change my mind…and grade.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, eventually the Disney+ content will be available on different channels. Yes, May (aka, The Calvary) is pretty tough. She carries that toughness over into THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT.

  3. patti abbott

    I saw the first three and then the next one. Lost my interest about then. Too much warfare. And this is true about everything in the MCU and pretty much all movies linked in anyway to comics or war or science fiction. I am the one who should have a sign on her lawn.

    1. Jerry House

      Patti, I’m sure the sign on your lawn would read: “Hey, you kids on my lawn! Come in for a cup of hot chocalate and cookies!”

  4. wolf

    I had enough of Star Wars after the first three movies – just too formulaic for me.
    Re Boba Fett:
    Another funny example of the problems with titles:
    Fett means fat in German
    Mist is animal sh*t i e natural fertilizer

    1. george Post author

      Wolf, the older Boba Fett is husky, but I wouldn’t call him fat. Disney is trying to branch out from the core STAR WARS movies by developing these more obscure characters.

  5. patti abbott

    72 bags of books have gone to the library but I am sure kids wouldn’t want John Rawls’ A Theory of Justice.

    1. George Kelley

      Patti, the Library must love you for those generous donations! But, you’re right. There’s a limited audience for Rawls’s A THEORY OF JUSTICE…which is being ignored by the Supreme Court right now.

  6. Rick Robinson

    Also, off topic for this post but relevant to this blog:

    Last night I watched my last NFL game. Between half the league qualifying for playoffs, injuries, horrible officiating and last nights unceasing gush job about Roslesburger, I’ve had it. More than once last night they ran commercials over plays, the commentators talk over the officials, often about stuff irrelevant to the game, using cutesy animated stats messages when a sentence would do better and be clearer, production is crap. Sure the pictures are bright and clear, but the overall presentation of the game has declined to a frustrating level. The league’s handling of the Covid pandemic has been a disaster. So no more NFL for me, I’ve had enough.

    1. George Kelley

      Rick, you’re right about all the nonsense that goes on during an NFL game. We mostly just watch the Buffalo Bills games, but with the TV sound turned down and we listen to the local radio commentary. Much better than network play-by-play!

  7. tracybham

    We also watched the first three Star Wars movies, but I guess there was too much lag before they started up the 4th and we lost interest. I have always been a Star Trek fan, although I haven’t seen any of the more recent TV shows. Have watched all the movies at least once though.

    And we have a limited number of streaming services, and don’t have Disney+.

  8. George Kelley

    Tracy, Disney+ is constantly offering FREE deals. If you time it right, you can get a month of free viewing and see all the stuff you’re interested in before the time runs out! We’ve played that game with Apple TV and HULU.

  9. Byron

    It just dawned on me that we are now almost 45 years from the original “Star Wars” opening. To put that in perspective, this would be like Universal Pictures having continued the original Fladh Gordon serial (in some form or another while still heavily referencing the very first one) to 1981, four years after “Star Wars” opened in theaters.


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