culture of complaint
I first read Robert Hughes’s Culture of Complaint when it was first published in 1993. Robert Hughes was the art critic for Time magazine at the time so there are many art references in Hughes’s critique of American culture. In the 23 years since Culture of Camplaint was published, all the factors Robert Hughes identified have worsened. Hughes pointed out that our broken education system was producing students not ready for work. Too much dumbing down. Hughes showed that American politics was becoming polarized and Major Problems like climate change and immigration were being ignored. A couple decades later, we are experiencing the hottest Summer in recorded Weather History and Washington is gridlocked. The most depressing presidential campaign in my life staggers on to November. Most of the problems Hughes identified in 1993 have all gotten worse. Economic inequity, racial problems, and the threat of terrorism plague us. Rereading Culture of Complaint reminded me of the agenda of problems that needed urgent attention back in the Nineties or America would suffer. Well, here we are. GRADE: A
Culture and the Broken Polity -1
Multi-Culti and Its Discontents-81
Art and the Therapeutic Fallacy-153


  1. Deb

    I first became aware of Hughes (although I’d undoubtedly read his Art columns in Time magazine without making a connection) was his great multi-episode history of modern art, THE SHOCK OF THE NEW. His history of the founding of Australia (Hughes was Australian), THE FATAL SHORE, was likewise engrossing. I think he got a bit reactionary as he aged and the fallout from an automobile accident where he got into a public squabble with the good Samaritans who stopped to help didn’t do much for his reputation. All that aside, I remember reading this book and nodding my head in agreement all the way through. I think it would be too depressing to reread it in light of what has happened in the twenty-plus years since it was published. Where did we go wrong? And do we have the political will to put things on the right track again?

    1. george Post author

      Deb, all the issues Robert Hughes complained about decades ago have festered and worsened. Part of the problem is a Congress that has done NOTHING much in 8 years! So many problems yet we’re mired in dozens of attempts to repeal ObamaCare and multiple Benghazi hearings. Meanwhile a Supreme Court nominee sits around twiddling his thumbs while waiting for a hearing. Brutal.

      1. Deb

        IMHO, when a major political party has nothing to offer but obstructionism and cheap political stunts, they have forfeited their right to sit at the grown-ups table. it will take an act of staggering political will to get our country back to standard functionality again. Sadly, I just don’t know if we have it.

      2. george Post author

        Deb, it took years to get into this mess, it’ll take years to dig out. There are no quick fixes for our country’s problems.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    Well, that’s depressing. True, but depressing.

    As to whether we have the political will to change, as Deb asks, I’d have to say no. Example one: after taking off a month, Congress came back “to work” (before they shut down for another month in October). What, you might ask, are their plans this month? What is important to them? Well, I think we can guarantee there will be more posturing/hearings on Benghazi, the email “scandal,” and anything that can hurt Hillary. But what was their first priority? Emergency funding for the Zika crisis. Now you may think this is admirable, appropriate, even if a little late. But wait. Seems the Republicans found it absolutely necessary to protect the country not only from Zika but from the Evil Empire, that’s right…Planned Parenthood. No money for anything to Planned Parenthood. Then Mitch McConnell has the balls to take the Democrats to task along the lines of, “You made a big deal about funding Zika. We’re funding Zika and you’re voting against it?”

    So no, we don’t have the will. Unless and until these @sshats are thrown out there will be no change.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, along with taking all that time off, Congress does nothing when they’re in D.C. other than to hold nonsensical hearings and vote on naming Post Offices. Our Government is in Sad Shape.

    1. R. Robinson

      I agree.

      Everything is about politics, getting re-elected, my way or the highway, standing together with your cronies. If congress would quit that crap and simply try to work together to do what the people want and allow reasonable choice, things would be better. Won’t happen.

      We’re doomed.

  3. maggie mason

    Everything you’ve all said is so relevant. I’ve been watching Brain Dead, and wonder if there are bugs that have infected the republicans brains. Though i confess to being tired of hearing about Trump and his antics, I’m hopeful that will sway many people away from voting for him. Sadly, I don’t think Hilary has a lock on the election. If the gop retains its hold on congress, we’re doomed

    Re the dumbing down of America, any country that can make multi-millionaires of the kardassian/jenner family have little hope. if there’s a good thing to say about lindsey lohan, she’s pretty much a solo meltdown, and will probably od at some point. I know the old studio system and it’s moral clauses was restrictive, but we seem to be going overboard the other way.

    1. george Post author

      Maggie, Diane and I thought we were the only people watching BRAIN DEAD! Glad you’re watching, too! I can’t figure out how they’re going to end the series!

  4. Jerry House

    I don’t think we’re doomed, but we are treading more and more water (and the water is more and more toxic). I think I’ll spend more time with the blankets pulled over my head.

  5. Cap'n Bob

    Maybe if we toss out the incumbents the new people will take the hint! But noooooo!

    Jeff, Hitlery’s e-mail crimes aren’t a minor diversion. They’re a federal offense and should be treated as such.

  6. Cap'n Bob

    18 USC 793, Gross Negligence
    18 USC 1001 False Statements

    Don’t forget, I worked for the US Government and had a security clearance. I had to exercise my duties as such, and my clearance wasn’t near as high as a Secretary of State’s is.


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