The Dark Knight Rises concludes director Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy. Batman Begins (2005) recreated the Batman legend. In 2008, The Dark Knight broke attendance records with Heath Ledger’s iconic performance as The Joker. Now, Nolan wraps up his Batman saga with basically the same cast as the first two Batman film: Michael Caine as Alfred, Gary Oldman as Commissioner Gordon, Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox. Yes, Anne Hathaway is fetching as Catwoman. Tom Hardy plays a convincing Bane. Christopher Nolan is a canny director and his vision of Batman comes into true focus in The Dark Knight Rises. This film will be on plenty of Year’s Best Film lists. GRADE: B+

8 thoughts on “THE DARK KNIGHT RISES in 3D

    1. george Post author

      I made great progress in REHAB and I started my Physical Therapy sessions this week, Patti. I’m still using my cane, but I’m becoming increasingly mobile.

    1. george Post author

      Gun control, Rick. The suspect spent $15,000 in the past couple of months on guns, ammo, and explosives. And no one noticed???

  1. Drongo

    George, in the Rocky Mountain region buying 4 guns and 6000 rounds of ammo over a few months is not that uncommon.

    Btw, I used to live about a half mile from that theater. Saw a bunch of movies there back in the day.

    1. george Post author

      I’m glad you weren’t at that midnight showing in Aurora, Drongo. Why do people “need” assault weapons and thousands of rounds of ammo? These massacres will continue until something changes dramatically.

  2. Richard R.

    But it never will as long as the NRA can convince people this tragedy could have been cut short if only the people in the theater had been armed and could have shot him first. Which is what I’ve already heard them say. Sheesh. I agree with you we need major gun control laws and we need them now, but no Republican congress will ever pass them.

    1. george Post author

      Yes, armed people shooting in a darkened theater…what a massacre that would have been, Rick! Prevention is the best solution.


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