I’ve enjoyed Julie Schumacher’s clever and snarky novels about the English Department at Payne University (where students wear T-shirts with PAYNE U: WHERE EDUCATION HURTS). Schumacher captures the chaos and wackiness of the current academic scene. Dear Committee Members (you can read my review here), where the English Department is in turmoil, and The Shakespeare Requirement (you can read my review here), where the English Department is under siege by the Machiavellian head of the wealthy Economics Department, Roland Gladwell. Gladwell plans to gut the English Department and take over their offices and conference rooms. Typical academic turf war!

I once took a trip to New York City with two other faculty members and a dozen students to visit Wall Street and other sites with business connections. It was a nightmare. One student stayed out all night and showed up in the morning dazed and confused from the alcohol and drugs he enjoyed during his binge. We had to sober him up and I had to put him on a train back to Buffalo.

Beleaguered head of the English Department, Professor Jason Fitger, gets pressured by the Dean (or face budget cuts) to accompany a group of students for a three-week tour of England. The students all have issues: one young woman has never been away from her cat before. There’s a student with a juvenile detention record. A pair of artistic twins. A couple who have broken up and remain unreconciled with the predictable awkwardness of the situation. And, of course, the student who thought he was going to the Caribbean and only packed T-shirts, shorts, and sun screen.

It doesn’t help that Fitger hates England. Fitger’s ex-wife (and her possible lover, Thor) cause Fitger to reevaluate his decisions about his life. For a rollicking adventure in England with plenty of laughs, give The English Experience a try. GRADE: B+

8 thoughts on “THE ENGLISH EXPERIENCE By Julie Schumacher

  1. Todd Mason

    Sounds fun…and I gather it rings True Enough, even given the slight or not so slight differences between the Brit and Yank uni systems…I wouldn’t’ve guessed that a Field Trip with business students could be at least as taxing as one with third-graders, but I can now see it…

    Campus novels are something the MAGAts will be seeking to extirpate after their other bullying targets continue to not pan out so well for them as a whole, with Trample sucking up most of the small donations…

    1. george Post author

      Todd, Julie Schumacher captures the wackiness of academia and the demands (and needs) of today’s students. THE ENGLISH EXPERIENCE provides both humor and a surprising dose of compassion.


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