The Favourite is NOT my favorite. Far from it. The movie is set in England in the early 1700s when Queen Anne (Olivia Colman), losing her health and mental capacities, relies on her brilliant friend Lady Sarah (Rachel Weisz) to help her run her Government and her private life. Into this palace situation enters penniless Abigail (Emma Stone) who claims she’s a distant relative of Lady Sarah. Lady Sarah makes a Huge Mistake in finding Abigail a job as a scullery maid.

The cunning Abigail manages to insinuate herself close to the Queen. And, in a bold move, Abigail both betrays Lady Sarah to her political opponent and arranges to cause Lady Sarah to fall from the Queen’s grace. The Favourite wallows in duplicity, deceit, and treachery. But all of this skullduggery is undercut first by Director Yorgos Lanthinmos (The Lobster and The Killing of a Sacred Deer) flashing visual cue cards before scenes in the movie. I found this practice annoying. But what I found more annoying was the soundtrack that blared random sounds and irksome atonal “music” detracting from what was happening on the screen. Wonderful cast, dull script. The Favourite reminds me of Stanley Kubrick’s Barry Lyndon: looks sensational, but is as empty as a politician’s promises. GRADE: C

14 thoughts on “THE FAVOURITE

  1. Steve Oerkfitz

    This was on top of my list to see although I hated the directors previous film Killing of a Sacred Deer. Now I’m not so sure. Can’t be any worse than The Mule that I got dragged to. Terrible film.

    1. george Post author

      Steve, I’ve heard very mixed reviews about THE MULE. I’ll wait until it gets to Netflix. THE FAVOURITE trailer makes it look like it’s a comedy. It has some comedy, but it’s very dark.

  2. Deb

    Yours is the first review I’ve read that is lukewarm about the film. I’d like to see it—and I think your comparison to BARRY LYNDON is accurate: gorgeous costumes, beautiful cinematography, but in the service of a somewhat bland story. I’m also troubled by the salacious nature of the script with, from what I can gather, its “scheming lesbian love triangle” aspect. I do not believe the historical record supports this interpretation. Anne was a lonely and very ill woman (wrecked by a score of miscarriages and stillbirths) who turned to her ladies-in-waiting for emotional support, but I truly doubt there was anything of a physical nature going on. Still, I suppose “noblewomen manipulate queen for political advantage” wouldn’t sell as many tickets.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, your analysis of THE FAVOURITE is spot-on. All the political plotting and maneuvering would come in second to the sexual shenanigans. Congratulations on the Saints Big Win last night!

  3. patti Abbott

    Wow, A lot of critics picked this as the best film of the year. I think a satire can sometimes seem empty. Best film of the year ROMA.

      1. george Post author

        Jeff, be prepared for a very slow movie when you watch ROMA. Just the opening sequence washing the floor will tip you off to what you’re in for.

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