1. Jerry House

    This echoes my feelings exactly. I’ve often wondered how women — especially mothers of young girls — in his base could support him. Early voting starts today in Florida so I can do my part in voting the old misogynist out on his ear.

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, I feel the same way you do. The Early Voting numbers around the country are encouraging. And, I’m glad the number of Third Party candidates are down from 2016.

      1. Todd Mason

        Oh, there are just as many small-party candidates, but they aren’t getting “mainstream” press attention. More attention lavished on the small right-wing parties might actually help (my paleocon friend who voted for Trump while holding her nose in 2016 because she’s Fervently anti-abortion is voting for the Christian Democratic party’s P/VP slate, the American Solidarity Party, who are fairly new on the scene).

      2. Todd Mason

        George, thanks to our retention of the Electoral College, all too often the majority of votes in the country are “wasted”.

        The closest thing to a good thing about it is that in a “safe” state such as New Jersey or California, one who actually strongly supports a smaller party can vote without feeling too much guilt about not choosing the Typical Corruption evil over the Berserk Reactionary Improvisation Fascist Fanboyism utter evil. Or however one sees it.

  2. maggie mason

    I think this ad is one of their better ones. I just hope it helps. I would have added the “grab them by the pussy” bit, but still powerful.

    I voted last Monday, at the Old Globe theater in Balboa Park. It was one of the official drop off boxes, inside near the ticket office. I tried to copy and paste a pic of the box, as they had a Shakespearean costume on display near it. Sadly, I couldn’t paste it. The guy there said they’d been busy. My library, and many others in the county, had a ballot box outside. The guy there told me that one day last week it was very full, and they’d had a lot of people all day. I was there about 10 minutes waiting for a pick up, and there were 4 people during that time.

    1. george Post author

      Maggie, I agree with you that THE GIRL IN THE MIRROR is one of the best political ads THE LINCOLN PROJECT has done. Voting in Western NY has been brisk with in-person Early Voting opening up polling stations. Diane and I opted to use our Absentee Ballots.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    Anyone who has lived in New York knows him for what he is, but I do think even by his standards he has gotten much worse over the last four years, what with the adoration of the hand-picked crowds and the yes men at the White House. His comeuppance will be sweet, but he has done so much damage to the country that it will take more than four years to even start to make things better.

    As he would say about others: Lock him up!

      1. Todd Mason

        Well, we’ll see. New Jersey similarly will never go for Trump. Zero chance. And since he Electoral College is all that matters, though it shouldn’t at all, I get to vote my conscience.

  4. Deb

    I early-voted Saturday morning. Massive crowd, the line snaked its way around the building before actually entering the hallway to the voting area. I waited in line with the twins for an hour-and-a-half (which is such small potatoes compared to those poor people in Georgia who had to wait for 11 hours)—got in line at 8:00 am, voted at 9:30 am. There was a big African-American contingent, which pleased me no end since I’m sure very few of them were voting for Trump. None of us should get complacent, however. I put nothing past Trump and his cabal of billionaires and true-believer cult heads.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, congratulations on voting despite the hours of waiting in line. When did America stop running Elections efficiently? The longest I ever had to wait in line to vote was five minutes. Making voters wait for hours smacks of Voter Suppression. Like you, I’m wary of Russian hacking during and after the Presidential Election.

      1. Todd Mason

        Well, Russian hacking is as nothing compared to GOP vote suppression. We haven’t had uniformly efficient voting ever. We’ve had consistent suppression among poor people and anyone else who might upset the local machines and majorities (when the poor have even felt as if there was a reason to vote, since so few were actually speaking up for them that they got to hear about). I’ve always lived in fairly spoiled middle class nabes, so I’ve never had to wait more than about 15 minutes at worst.

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