The second week in April is traditionally National Library Week–although in some places April has become National Library Month. No matter. I want to honor all the libraries I use by reviewing a book that celebrates libraries: Simon Brett’s The Liar in the Library (2017). Burton St. Clair, author of the best selling Stray Leaves in Autumn, visits the little Fethering library to do a presentation and sign some books. Jude, a former model, is now a healer living in Fethering. Jude knew Burton St. Clair when he was simply Al Sinclair, husband of an actress named Megan Georgeson. But that was 15 years ago. Megan and Al divorced years ago and Jude fell out of touch with both of them.

After the library event, Burton S. Clair offers to give Jude a ride home since it’s raining. Jude reluctantly accepts the offer and as soon as Jude straps on her seat belt, Burton starts groping Jude. Jude leaves the car in a huff. But, the next morning Burton St. Clair is found dead in his car. Jude was the last person to see him alive–except for the killer. But, the police decide Jude is their prime suspect since she knew the victim 15 years ago. Jude and her friend Carole Seddon start their own investigations to clear Jude of suspicion in Burton St. Clair’s death. Yes, this is a traditional, old fashioned mystery with interesting suspects and cunning red herrings. What better way to celebrate National Library Week (or Month) than by reading a good book with a library connection! Do you have a favorite book that involves a library? GRADE: B+

8 thoughts on “THE LIAR IN THE LIBRARY By Simon Brett

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    I read a number of Brett’s books in the past but have never read one of the Fethering series.

    Books in libraries? Well, there is Rachel Caine’s Great Library series, starting with INK AND BONE. And there are often library scenes in the Harry Potter series.

  2. Kent Morgan

    Recently read Susan Orlean’s book about a major fire at the Los Angeles library and can recommend it highly.

  3. wolf

    And in September we’ll have banned books week …
    Sorry for being late to the party again, had computer problems and was on the road again.


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