Simon Baker, the hunky Australian, who plays Patrick Jane (a psychic con man who has turned into a crime fighter) generates most of the energy for The Mentalist. Baker’s character is quirky (but cute) and carries the burden of triggering the murder of his wife and daughter by a psychopathic killer called “Red John.” And, as usual, the Season Finale returns to the Red John plot device. Much of The Mentalist is silly. In fact, Diane and I prefer the humorous episodes to the serious, grim episodes. I’m sure the conclusion to this final episode of this fourth season will be a cliffhanger.


  1. Jeff Meyerson

    We’ve never watched it. I agree with you that on a lot of these crime shows the humorous episodes are better than the nastier, serious ones. CASTLE immediately comes to mind, as does THE CLOSER, where the funny Flynn-Provenza antics are often among our favorite episodes.

  2. Stan Burns

    Like a lot of shows, my interest in this has waned as time goes by. I thought the first season was very good, and the second was almost the same, but the quality started slipping in the third season and this season has been only so so. The same thing happened with Numbers, and this season of Castle has also been pretty mediocre. The only show that has been consistently good (that I watch) is Psych.

    Did anyone see that new USA show about the battling cop partners. Wat a piece of crap!

    1. george Post author

      I think the scripts for NIKITA have improved, Stan. And NIKITA has been renewed by the CW network for another season. MAD MEN has had a few clunker episodes, but when they get it right, the result is spectacular!

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    Stan, five minutes of that crap was five minutes too many. And they took off IN PLAIN SIGHT for that?

  4. Patti Abbott

    He is very cute, but the plots are too generic/formulaic. So much the problem on network TV. If I didn’t have cable, I wouldn’t watch TV at all. Exception, and a big one for me, is THE GOOD WIFE.
    You can never predict where that show will go.
    I am looking forward to the return of SUITS, which I liked last summer. And BREAKING BAD, of course. And loving GAME OF THRONES despite the work it takes me to keep all those bearded guys straight.


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