The Osiris Ritual (2010) is the second book in the Sir Maurice Newbury and Veronica Hobbs steam-punk mystery series. Newbury possesses the passion and ability for investigation that Sherlock Holmes has. Veronica Hobbs serves her role as Watson admirably. Queen Victoria sends Newbury on a mission to find a cyborg secret agent who has gone rogue. Hobbs investigates a series of missing women who disappear during a stage magician’s act. As you might suspect, the two inquires merge. I like George Mann’s decision to make Newbury susceptible to opioids. And Hobbs has some secrets of her own. I reviewed the first book in the series, The Affinity Bridge, here. If you’re looking for a diverting steam-punk mystery with zeppelins and robots, this is where you’ll find some fun reading. GRADE: B
I liked it, and your grade seems about right.
I looked at my library for an audio book but none were avail. I do have an audio of an enola holmes books “in transit” from the library
they have opened about 1/3 of the city libraries I’m not sure why as they can’t stop people from touching books
A cyborg secret agent in Queen Victoria’s time? That sounds intriguing, George. I don’t think I have read a steam-punk mystery, unless I have read one and missed it.
Prashant, the Newbury and Hobbs books are pure fun! Try THE OSIRIS RITUAL and you’ll come away a fan!