BLONDE ON THE ROCKS By carter brown

Beautiful and sexy blonde actress Della August finds herself blackballed by the Hollywood Establishment after the accidental death of her hunky younger boyfriend, actor Rod Blane. After six months of no work, Della August turns to Rick Holman, an “industrial consultant,” to “fix” the problem. Holman investigates the dirty underworld of Hollywood financing. He gets beaten up. But, in typical “carter brown” fashion, Holman stumbles over the deadly facts that leads him to discover What Really Happened. GRADE: B

Hope you enjoyed BLONDE WEEK!

12 thoughts on “BLONDE ON THE ROCKS By carter brown

  1. Steve Oerkfitz

    Read some Carter Brown as a teenager back in the 60’s. They didn’t seem to have left much of an impression on me. Like Richard Prather they seemed okay but inferior to the John Macdonald , Ross MacDonald and Raymond Chandler I preferred.

    1. wolf

      Same with me!

      They were a kind of novelty at first – but later I concentrated on Science Fiction and there was enough stuff for me to read …

      Carter Brown was a kind of short episode and I have to confess that I don’t remember any story lines from his books – unlike Mickey Spillane who often produced some unexpected twists.

      George, will we have any blondes fromSpillane?

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    Loved Blonde Week, despite the absence of BLONDE VENUS. I read a few Carter Browns, mostly because they were short, fast reads, but they didn’t make a big impression.

  3. George Kelley

    Jeff, “carter brown” specialized in fast reads. But the great Robert McGinnis covers are what drew me to these books! Glad you liked BLONDE WEEK. As I mentioned, I have more than enough books and movies to do another BLONDE WEEK sometime in the future. Your great idea of a REDHEAD WEEK is tempting me!

    1. wolf

      George, Redhead week sounds really good – maybe start with Bruce Springsteen:

      But you ain’t lived ’til you’ve had your tires rotated By a red headed woman”

      Those lyrics are something – was surprised that US censorship didn’t go down on them … (pun intended …) 🙂


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