I’m a sucker for movies like Thor: The Dark World so factor that in while you’re reading this review. The Dark Elves return from their exile during a cosmic convergence that allows them to tap into The Aether, powerful Dark Energy. The Dark Elves basically want to destroy the Universe. Standing in the way of this wave of darkness is Thor, ably played by Chris Hemsworth. Natalie Portman (Thor’s girl friend) gets infected by The Aether and her life is in danger. Thor has to turn to his sly, cunning, and evil half-brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) for help. Plenty of action, some humor, and a conclusion that opens the way to more sequels. Fun, fun, fun! GRADE: B+
I Liked the first film and probably will this one as well. I’ve heard rumors that there might be a new Thor in any further films, whether this or The Avengers. Same old argument over money. Hemsworth’s star is rising these days.
George, I’m with you on superhero films. I liked the first THOR film too though I couldn’t picture the Nordic superhero without his Norse headgear. Helmsworth rarely wore it unlike in the comics. I plan to see this film though I was hoping Loki wouldn’t be in it.
Randy, I liked this second THOR movie more than the first one. You’re right: money changes everything.
Prashant, Thor’s father, Odin (played by Anthony Hopkins) seems to always have some Norse headgear on.
Glad you enjoyed it.
Patti, THOR: THE DARK WORLD is typical MARVEL entertainment. Plenty of action.
I like this kind of thing, but I’m really far behind. I haven’t seen Iron Man 3, The Avengers, either Thor film, and whatever other movies that have come out. For that matter, I haven’t seen Pacific Rim. I’m stuck on a Netflix movie I’ve had for months…
Rick, you have some great viewing ahead of you with THOR, THE AVENGERS, and IRON MAN 3! I liked PACIFIC RIM, too!
Glad you liked it. Will probably wait for Netflixs on this one. I thought the first Thor terrible so this is not high on my to watch list.
Steve, THOR: THE DARK WORLD is much better than the first THOR movie where there was too much talking. Action movies should have plenty of ACTION, not conversations.