For years I used to take Solgar’s Oat Bran tablets. They provided fiber each day and also reduced my cholesterol numbers. But for some unknown reason, Solgar discontinued their Oat Bran tablets and I was unable to find an acceptable substitute…until this month. I was searching on AMAZON for some health products when I stumbled onto these tnvitamins OAT BRAN TABLETS.

I ordered a bottle and started taking one tablet each day. I’ll be going for routine blood work in a month in preparation for my bi-annual doctor’s exam. I’ll be curious to see if my cholesterol numbers fall. Where do you get your fiber?

20 thoughts on “tnvitamins OAT BRAN TABLETS

  1. Wolf

    I don’t like those “Nahrungsergänzungsmittel” aka food supplements. Just looked up this valuable source:
    We eat most of those foods, pears and apples etc – right now we’re waiting for our first raspberries …
    Vegetables too, especially beans. I often make a black bean salad (salads are what I’m allowed to do in the kitchen …), especially in winter when most fresh stuff here comes from Africa …
    Walnuts too – our friend who returned to NYC because of her cancer asked us to please harvest her walnut tree. We still have some from last year, wonderful!
    Just looked at that list again – haven’t had lentils for some time so I’ll make a lentil soup tomorrow..
    Hey, yesterday I found some avocados, I’ll eat one of them filled with lemon juice and pumpkin seed oil, another favourite.
    Looking at that list I realise that after WW2 my mother really tried to cook very healthy for her four children and her husband – and cheap of course, money was scarce, so we often had lentils and beans.

  2. Patti Abbott

    MY diet is pretty good-I try to eat nine servings of fruit and vegs every day and mostly fish and chicken. Not sure if this would improve it or not.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    Food, mostly. My doctor told me years ago I needed 30 to 35 grams of fiber a day. I’ve been eating yogurt with high fiber cereal every morning. Also eat plenty of fruits (banana every morning), veggies, and salads, and mostly chicken and seafood. Oat bran is one of the cereals we eat. Jackie’s latest combo is one-third Kellogg’s Complete Wheat Bran, one-third Kashi 7 Whole Grain Flakes, and one-third Trader Joe’s Toasted Oatmeal Flakes. We have an apple most days and I add berries to the yogurt in the morning.

    We had our blood work and annual physical yesterday. Most results were within normal range, though my Vitamin D-25 was a little low. Probably need more sunlight and milk. (It wasn’t “deficient,” just a little low.)

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, I’m a big Kashi fan, mostly their granola bars. I do buy Kashi cereal when it’s on sale. My gastro doctor told me many people develop diverticulitis because of their low-fiber diets.

  4. Dan

    Hmmmm… My Doctor hasn’t given me any dietary advice, fibrous or otherwise. He also said once it bothers him to see a man like me in good health while decent people suffer and die. So maybe I should get a second opinion.

    1. george Post author

      Dan, Diane makes fun of me for having a General Practitioner, an Allergist, an ENT specialist, a urologist, a retina specialist, an ophthalmologist, Gastroenterologist, and a neurologist. What can I say…I like doctors!

      1. george Post author

        Steve, I once entertained the thought of becoming a gynecologist as a College Student. But, I opted for becoming a Librarian instead.

  5. Steve Oerkfitz

    I don’t eat much that has a lot of fiber in it. Not a big vegetable eater (I refuse to use the word veggies). Mostly beans and spinach. Some strawberries and bananas but being diabetic I have to limit my fruit intake. I rarely eat breakfast. Mostly just a Atkins protein shake holds me until lunch.

      1. Wolf

        Watermelon is essentially just water – soon we’ll have them fresh in Hungary, a real treat.

  6. Rick Robinson

    I get fiber from Dave’s Killer Bread, bran muffins and a fiber supplement. Also, sometimes, prunes. The problem with most fiber foods is the carbs, bad for we diabetics.

    BTW, just had my A1C, came out 6.6, which is good (my previous was high 7).

    1. george Post author

      Rick, congratulations on your A1C. I’ll be getting blood work in a few weeks and part of it measures my A1C which was 6.1 six months ago.


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