Diane and I donned our N95 masks and went to the Shea’s Performing Arts Center for the Sunday matinee of Tootsie: The Comedy Musical. I had seen Tootsie a couple years ago when it was playing in our hotel, the Marriott Marquis (you can read my review here). This touring company didn’t have all the pazazz of the Broadway version, but it was still a lot of fun. The lead actor, Drew Becker, lacked the antic energy of Santino Fontana who won the 2019 Tony Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role in a MusicalDrama Desk Award for Outstanding Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical. But Becker delivers a capable performance as the difficult actor, Michael Dorsey, who transforms himself into a woman, Dorothy Michaels, in order to gain a role in a Broadway play.

Ashley Alexandra plays Julie Nichols, Dorsey’s love interest. Payton Reilly plays Sandy Lester, Dorsey’s other love interest. Jared David Michael Grant is convincing as Dorsey’s roommate and friend.

Tootsie focuses on the dangers of obsession, ambition, and bending the Truth. The music is fun and clever. If Tootsie comes to your neighborhood, you might want to see it. If not, there’s always the movie version (which is completely different). GRADE: B


  1. Jeff Meyerson


    We skipped it on Broadway and see no reason to change now. I liked the movie when it came out (without raving about it). I thought Bill Murray was a hoot. But surely it is incredibly dated now.

    I know, don’t call you Shirley.

    1. george Post author

      Steve, Rick, Michael, and Jeff, many people–like Katie and Patrick–are not attracted by the premise behind the plot of TOOTSIE: THE COMEDY MUSICAL. I enjoyed the production for its story of an actor making a lot of Bad Choices in order to succeed on Broadway.

  2. Beth Fedyn

    I have to join the group letting this go by.
    I didn’t care for the movie (can’t stand Dustin Hoffman) and I don’t expect this will be different enough to engage me.

      1. Todd Mason

        Alas, I found the film a pretty unfunny production…Hoffman’s utterly unconvincing performance was much of the reason. This might be your most universally-disagreed-with (in comments) post, ever, George! (I’ll probably make no effort to see any other production, either…unless it’s free and on video I can see at home, and likely not even then. Glad it was a good night’s entertainment, though.)

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