Time for a new right knee. As you might remember, last year at this time I had my left knee replaced with a new titanium knee. Everything went well, except that the anesthesia shut down my gastric system for a couple of days (a condition called an “ileus”). I’m hoping to avoid that this time around, but if it happens I’ll have that blasted NG2 tube down my nose again. I know the drill. By the time you read this, they should be wheeling me out of the Operating Room to Recovery. Diane is monitoring the situation. Diane’s sister, Carol, is watching over Helen (who is recovering from her diverticulitis attack) so the Kelley manse will resemble a MASH unit this summer. As soon as the Happy Drugs wear off in a day or two, I’ll do a blog update on my condition. I’ll be in Rehab next week and then do a couple of months of physical therapy. My goal is to be able to walk into my Fall Semester classes (beginning the day after Labor Day) without a cane.


  1. Deb

    Best wishes, George, for successful surgery & speedy recovery. I know you’ve been through it before, so you already know that motivation and commitment to rehab exercises is the sure way to enjoying your new knee. My husband’s aunt had hers replaced a few years ago and says her only regret is that she didn’t do it sooner (before replacement, she could only walk with a walker; now she walks several miles every day).

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    Fingers are crossed that you don’t have the same ileus problem (or any other!) this time around, George.

  3. Richard R.

    I join in the chorus. Smooth surgery, quick, strong recovery, excellent result! You’ll be back on the track doing those 5K runs in a couple of months! 5K walks? 1K? Around the block?

  4. Dan

    Yopu should do the bog while still on Happy-Pills just to see what it looks like. I once did an issue of HOUND while having my finger amputated, and outside of the improvement, no one noticed any difference.


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