TRICKED and TRAPPED By Kevin Hearne

In the 4th volume of the IRON DRUID series, Tricked, the Druid fakes his own death to mislead his enemies. But, the Druid chooses Coyote (the Indian trickster) to help him pull off the deception. In return for his help in the deception, Coyote requires the Druid to convince an elemental to create a gold mine. But, the elemental won’t create a gold mine until a coal mine is shut down. But when the Druid tries to shut down the coal mine, two skinwalkers (powerful Indian supernatural spirits) attack. As you can see from this brief summary, Kevin Hearne builds his plots by having one action lead to unexpected consequences that lead to more unexpected consequences.

In volume 5, Trapped, the Druid’s fake death is revealed. Loki, from the Norse pantheon, arrives intent on burning the Earth to ashes. The Druid goes on the run, but Diana and Atticus (two other powerful figures from Asgard) hunt him down. There are some great battle scenes as the Druid uses his powers in clever ways. If the Druid can reach England, he can enlist Herne the Hunter and Flidais (the Irish goddess of the hunt) to help him. But a bunch of sea serpents lurk in the English Channel under the control of Neptune. Plenty of surprises here! If you’re in the mood for some fantasy fluff, the IRON DRUID series will spirit you away for a few hours. GRADE: B (for both).

10 thoughts on “TRICKED and TRAPPED By Kevin Hearne

  1. Patti Abbott

    What I read has to conform to the laws of this universe entirely. I lack the ability to read fantasy. I never read fairy tales as a child even. I admire readers who can let themselves go to other worlds.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, I read plenty of fairy tales as a kids (plus, my Mom read them to me before I could read). And, then there was the Disney movies I saw when I was little. All of that prepared me to enjoy fantasies like THE IRON DRUID SERIES. It’s light read, pleasure reading without any weighty messages.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    I do read fantasy from time to time. I’ve read a few of the Dresden books. I have read Tolkein and Neil Gaiman and the Harry Potter books. I also got a kick out of Simon Green’s Nightside books.

  3. Richard R.

    Sounds like a hopeless mishmash to me, and I think I said before that the covers to this series are DREADFUL. Maybe they appeal to teen girls. I assume this is a YA series, a steal of the concepts in the Rick Rordan series. This isn’t fantasy as I would define it, epic fantasy per se, more like comic book fantasy.

    I do feel sad for Patti that she allows no magic into her reading or imagination.


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