Michael Gruber’s trilogy featuring Jimmy Paz, Miami police detective, confounded me. I’d never read a review of the books and no one in my circle of mystery reading friends had ever mentioned it. I came to read this series because one of my favorite reviewers, Robert Birnbaum, recommended it. You can find out more about Robert Birnbaum and his excellent reviews at This series is about as far as you can get from a police procedural although Gruber uses that template. There’s a series of grisly murders: pregnant women killed, their fetuses cut from them, and portions of the fetuses removed. Paz finally figures out the perpetrator is using African sorcery to help him commit his crimes. So, at this point, we leave the realm of mystery/crime fiction and enter the science fiction/fantasy realm by way of H. P. Lovecraft and Robert Bloch. It’s disconcerting, but if you stay with it you’ll find some incredible writing and story-telling. Tropic of Night still lingers in my mind weeks after I’ve read it. GRADE: B+

10 thoughts on “FORGOTTEN BOOKS #45: TROPIC OF NIGHT By Michael Gruber

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    I did, George!

    I’ve read TROPIC OF NIGHT and VALLEY OF BONES but wasn’t in the mood when I started book three, so put it aside for later.

    The other relevant things to mention: the series takes place in Miami and Jimmy’s mother… well, they’ll have to read the books!

    1. george Post author

      I don’t remember you reviewing TROPIC OF NIGHT or VALLEY OF BONES in your zine, Jeff. Reading the books is a taxing experience. Gruber doesn’t make it easy on the reader, but the final pages of each book left me drained. This is one of the best trilogies of the 21st Century!

    1. george Post author

      If you’re looking for something completely different, Terrie, try TROPIC OF NIGHT out. It’s complex, but well worth the investment of time and patience.

  2. Richard Robinson

    I was okay with the description until I got to the part about dismembering fetuses, then I stopped. Since for me reading is recreation and fun, and that’s not a recreational or fun topic, I won’t be reading this even if it’s well written.

    1. george Post author

      There’s a good reason why the fetuses are dismembered, Rick. But if that bothers you, try VALLEY OF BONES. I consider it the best of the three books. There’s violence, but of the more conventional variety.

  3. Beth Fedyn

    Bev DeWeese is a huge fan of Gruber and regularly suggests his work for a Cloak & Clue program.

    Maybe I could use this for a mystery group selection at Books & Company.

    1. george Post author

      I was very impressed with Michael Gruber’s work, Beth. Check out VALLEY OF BONES for your mystery group. It’s the best of the trilogy.


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