Check out the cast of Unfrosted:

  • Jerry Seinfeld: Plays Bob Cabana and also directed and co-wrote the film
  • Melissa McCarthy: Plays Donna “Stan” Stankowski
  • Jim Gaffigan: Plays Edsel Kellogg III
  • Amy Schumer: Plays Marjorie Post
  • Hugh Grant: Plays Thurl Ravenscroft as Tony the Tiger
  • James Marsden: Plays Jack LaLanne
  • Thomas Lennon: Plays Harold von Braunhut
  • Jack McBrayer: Plays Steve Schwinn
  • Bobby Moynihan: Plays Chef Boyardee
  • Bill Burr: Plays President John F. Kennedy
  • Christian Slater: Plays Mike Diamond

Other cast members include Max Greenfield, Fred Armisen, Mikey Day, Kyle Mooney, and Drew Tarver. Plus a number of surprise celebrity cameos!

Jerry Seinfeld wrote and directed this story of the origin of the Pop Tart. It’s silly and weird! Be prepared for a wacky ride if you decided to watch this strange movie. GRADE: B

10 thoughts on “UNFROSTED [Netflix]

  1. Jerry+House

    Pass. Not a Seinfeld fan, believing his to be vastly overrated, self-important, and possessing a conceit he clearly does not deserve. Sounds like a great cast, though.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    Pass. When I heard that he ignored the real story and made his own up, I lost all interest.

  3. Patricia Abbott

    I was a Seinfeld fan but I think he was the least talented actor in the cast and I know Larry David was the talented writer. But I might give it a try.

  4. Cap'n Bob

    I enjoyed Seinfeld’s show and might get some hyucks out of this despite my low esteem for the two leading ladies!

  5. Todd Mason

    JS has definitely lost a Whole Lot of credit with a Lot of other comedians these years…unlike Bill Maher, who has been so personally unpleasant and lazily smug that he never had much credit with peers…and a response such as this is not uncommon:

    Miss Julie Brown
    I’m watching “Unfrosted” ten minutes at a time. That’s all I can take.


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