20 thoughts on “VELVET WAS THE NIGHT By Silvia Moreno-Garcia

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    Um, what about it?

    Apparently, a Mexican noir set in the 1970s, published in 2021 to good reviews. That’s according to the listing on Amazon.

  2. Jerry+House

    Big fan. Loved her MEXICAN GOTHIC, THE DAUGHTER OF DOCTOR MOREAU, and SILVER NITRATE. I’ll have to check out VELVET WAS THE NIGHT; you sold me on it without saying a word.

      1. Todd Mason

        Nah…just go ahead and begin with “Before I was so rudely interrupted…”
        Happily, Blogspot is Never so annoying. Koffing till head falls over sideways.

      1. george Post author

        Jeff, the order of the posts today are entirely controlled by WORDPRESS. Apparently WORDPRESS liked VELVET WAS THE NIGHT best.

  3. Beth Fedyn

    I used Velvet Is the Night for the bookstore mystery group and the Waukesha Reads program is using Mexican Gothic for its title next month.

    I enjoyed them.


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